
I'm in the middle of perimenopause and it's been a wild ride for the last few years. For the last few months, I've been dealing with what feels like pain in the area where my right ovary is located. The symptoms have ranged from pain spasms on that side during an orgasm (sorry for the tmi), pain during ovulation, and pain related to constipation. These symptoms might last a few hours to one day or with the spasms, one cycle, but then they resolve. I mentioned it to my NP/GYN during my annual last week and she thought it might be related to the uterus (nothing suspicious came up during my manual exam), my acupuncturist thought it was muscular (I have alignment issues related to childbirth and a habit of holding stress in that area), and my GP thinks it's related to my IBS-C.

I think it might be an IBS issue, a not exercising consistently issue, and a changing hormones issue. Just wanted to see if any other ladies who are either in perimenopause, have gone through menopause, or deal with IBS-C have experienced this. I will reach out to my NP/GYN again to see if we need to do any further testing, if it continues or gets worse. Thanks for any help or insight!