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Thread: Covid Exposure

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Covid Exposure

    I know so many people who are convinced they had this last Christmas. And without all the media coverage etc. they just shrugged it off as a bad cold/virus/flu. I'm on day 5 after exposure and no symptoms, other than the odd possibly imagined tickly cough, headache etc. Amazing/infuriating how our minds/imagination can get the better of us.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Re: Covid Exposure

    Quote Originally Posted by ninniemouse View Post
    I know so many people who are convinced they had this last Christmas. And without all the media coverage etc. they just shrugged it off as a bad cold/virus/flu. I'm on day 5 after exposure and no symptoms, other than the odd possibly imagined tickly cough, headache etc. Amazing/infuriating how our minds/imagination can get the better of us.
    I think that's good sign tbh - from what Ive seen most people show symptoms earlier.

    I've just found out my sister and brother in law are both positive but the two other kids aren't. She's got no symptoms yet and he's got a cold.

    It's made me spiral completely as now im just waiting for this to get worse but just have to hold on to the hope that it started mild and no reason for it to get worse. It just feels like a sinus infection at the moment - all perfectly manageable.

    I think if I get to Monday relatively unscathed I'll be able to breathe easier

    What a nightmare this is :(

  3. #53
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    Mar 2011

    Re: Covid Exposure

    Quote Originally Posted by Squishchips View Post
    What a nightmare this is :(
    Yes it is, for the majority of us, the anxiety it causes is the worst part.

  4. #54
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    Nov 2017

    Re: Covid Exposure

    Quote Originally Posted by NancyW View Post
    Yes it is, for the majority of us, the anxiety it causes is the worst part.
    Agree with this majorly - for the most part I just feel like I have a sinus infection. I've had a few bouts of feeling absolutely awful and its always when im in panic mode.

    In a way it has calmed me - at the moment my arms are aching I know thats due to panic so im not as worried.

    My NHS app says 8 more days to isolate - so a week left from tomorrow. Just going to get through the weekend (worried about this) and then I'll be a bit less worried I think and hope xx

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Re: Covid Exposure

    Morning everyone - not sure if it helps anyone to update but it definitely helps me!

    Day 5 of symptoms - woke up as usual - sinus headache, sinus congestion, ears blocked and a bit achy but again that's all normal for me with sinus stuff. No temp all fine.
    My husband still fine - he's now day 8/9 from exposure and day 6 since positive test so that to me is a really good sign.

    For both of us - will be a lot more relaxed about this from Monday so two days to get through

    No update on anyone else as too early - but hoping my mother in law gets released from hospital today. They said she was improving yesterday but keeping her in for another night to monitor oxygen and then if all good send her home today. My father in law is ok but very worried about his wife and obviously still going through covid symptoms.

    Yesterday my brother and sister in law both tested positive, the other two kids negative. It through me in a spin as his only symptom is a cold, she is so far symptomless. One of the other kids has a cold but tested negative.

    I'm so confused by all this - we've all tried to work out if anyway other of exposure (they all work in schools) but they hadn't seen us or my mother in law so it looks like she's the one that spread it. I guess some people are really contagious and some aren't? who knows.

    Trying not to second guess it - just got to get through the next week

    If anyone has any tips for sinus congestion would love to know them - it's not that bad just annoying - my ears are both crackling and blocked

    Hope everyone else is doing good today xx

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Covid Exposure

    I'm so pleased you are working your way through this Squishchips. You're going to be fine, that's easy for me to say because I'd be just the same as you. All this last year we've had the opportunity to study this virus and read all the horror stories. And its quite clear the media home in on those rare horror stories and present them as the norm. Reporting about people having mild symptoms doesn't sell newspapers.

    I'm wondering if your MIL is a super-spreader? Which is hard on her of course as it makes it sound deliberate. But it does appear from what I've read, that some people shed unusually large amounts of virus.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Re: Covid Exposure

    Quote Originally Posted by fishman65 View Post
    I'm so pleased you are working your way through this Squishchips. You're going to be fine, that's easy for me to say because I'd be just the same as you. All this last year we've had the opportunity to study this virus and read all the horror stories. And its quite clear the media home in on those rare horror stories and present them as the norm. Reporting about people having mild symptoms doesn't sell newspapers.

    I'm wondering if your MIL is a super-spreader? Which is hard on her of course as it makes it sound deliberate. But it does appear from what I've read, that some people shed unusually large amounts of virus.
    Thank you - I'm not having a good night/day yesterday and this morning so that really helps. I'm struggling a lot and now have some aching and I dont know if that's panic or symptoms or god knows what.

    I was doing fine and then suddenly though - what if I didnt get exposed at same time as my husband, he gave it to me, and now symptoms will be showing soon. I cant seem to shake it :( We're now day 10 from exposure (including the day so maybe day 9?) - husband is day 7 since positive test and im day 5/6 from last seeing him and day 10 from exposure also (and day 6 of having sinus symptoms)

    So far, only sinus symptoms. Today I've woken up with a lot of panic - arms aching and generally just feel off. Sinus stuff still there but eased slightly.

    Trying to be logical with myself - chances are I was exposed at the exact same time as him - chances also are if i have it, I would know by now and this sinus bits and bobs is a mild case of it, and also he's asymptomatic (so far) so chances of exposure are slim anyway.

    This is all so unknown and scary and I hate this waiting.

    I have to wait for biopsy results every 6 months for a previous issue and this is worse than that (and I never thought id say that). Everyday is like - well tomorrow I'll know if im ok or not.

    I think once I get 10 days past exposure from my husband I'll calm down a lot more. I just hope I dont suddenly get new symptoms or feel awful

    I feel myself spiralling so now im talking myself down and trying to calm down. It's that horrid time of the day when no one is awake but anxiety so bad at the moment I also dont want to talk to anyone - it's a strange vicious circle.

    Day 10 since exposure xx

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Covid Exposure

    Are you going to get tested? Knowing for sure gave me some peace.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Re: Covid Exposure

    Quote Originally Posted by NancyW View Post
    Are you going to get tested? Knowing for sure gave me some peace.
    I will do but not yet - I dont feel that I want to know at the moment - maybe the wrong decision but I think the right one for me

    Held off from updating as whilst my husband still has no symptoms and I am the same - just sinus, my mother in law is not doing very well and I dont want to risk causing any anxiety on this forum.

    I've managed to get up and thought the house safe enough to do some washing and take the bins out so am feeling better for being out the room but now concerned about air transmission of covid (I really don't know why im so fixated on it).

    It's exhausting and I just want this horrid week over and everyone safe

    I hope all is well with you Nancy xx

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Covid Exposure

    I am sorry to hear about your mother in law, I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

    It is horrid, I do agree with you. Take good care ox

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