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Thread: Vandalism

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Vandalism

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post

    At least the older 'Z woz 'ere'-type tags, though still a nuisance, were more easily understood, more relatable,
    I had a job as a cleaner once. It involved tackling the men's loos (always a pleasure, not) and one day somebody scrawled, 'I'd shag the cleaner' on the cubicle door. I think they meant me, though they could also have been referring to the previous cleaner who was 65, and a bloke.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Vandalism

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    I had a job as a cleaner once. It involved tackling the men's loos (always a pleasure, not) and one day somebody scrawled, 'I'd shag the cleaner' on the cubicle door. I think they meant me, though they could also have been referring to the previous cleaner who was 65, and a bloke.
    Now that's appreciation!

    The cleaners at the last big office I was at always said the women were the worst. I felt sorry for them having to put up with scummy people.

    My mum cleaned at a school in her later years. She said the kids were cleaner than the teachers
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Vandalism

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Now that's appreciation!

    The cleaners at the last big office I was at always said the women were the worst. I felt sorry for them having to put up with scummy people.

    My mum cleaned at a school in her later years. She said the kids were cleaner than the teachers
    I've cleaned in a school too - which was sweet because the kids were pre-school age. Aww. This was in stark contrast to cleaning in a warehouse during the noon shift where the average worker was about 20, and male.

    I think the lads took bets on how long it would take for me to complain, or quit...

    One male left The Sun (open at Page 3) and a vending cup in toilet cubicle containing clear liquid with pubes floating in it. I mean, I've seen some sinister stuff drop out of that vending machine but that was a first!

    They left their Nuts mags open on the canteen tables hoping to embarrass me, but I stood there reading them on my break.

    I sometimes have flashbacks of having to boot the Gent's door open with my size 4 whist simultaneously firing two cans of Pine Fresh around (Lara Croft style) to prevent me slipping into an ammonia induced coma. That, and the knowledge that blokes eat pies while they're sat on the loo having a poo and reading the paper. Who says men can't multitask?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Vandalism

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    I've cleaned in a school too - which was sweet because the kids were pre-school age. Aww. This was in stark contrast to cleaning in a warehouse during the noon shift where the average worker was about 20, and male.

    I think the lads took bets on how long it would take for me to complain, or quit...

    One male left The Sun (open at Page 3) and a vending cup in toilet cubicle containing clear liquid with pubes floating in it. I mean, I've seen some sinister stuff drop out of that vending machine but that was a first!

    They left their Nuts mags open on the canteen tables hoping to embarrass me, but I stood there reading them on my break.

    I sometimes have flashbacks of having to boot the Gent's door open with my size 4 whist simultaneously firing two cans of Pine Fresh around (Lara Croft style) to prevent me slipping into an ammonia induced coma. That, and the knowledge that blokes eat pies while they're sat on the loo having a poo and reading the paper. Who says men can't multitask?
    That's really gross Nora.

    I really don't understand why grown men who should ultimately know better still keep behaving in a disgusting, child-like manner around toilets and the like, and I say that as a man myself.

    The very thought of sitting on the crapper having a number 2 and eating at the same time makes me heave, even on our own home toilets.

    As for pornography and nudity, it's nothing but a bore-fest as far as I am concerned, but a lot of blokes got up to and often got away with all kinds of dubious antics back in the (not-so) good old days in many workplaces, especially with women ending up on the receiving end of sexual harassment and many other kinds of abuse, which would be much more difficult to get away with in these more enlightened times, and quite rightly so!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Vandalism

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    That's really gross Nora.
    Tell me about it!

    Women can be just as bad in the sexual harassment field. Or they used to be, anyway. I've seen middle-aged women set upon young blokes like a pack of horny hyenas. (I blame HRT)

    Best part was (cleaning) that the managers and supervisors used those toilets and never said a word..

    To be honest, I think I have PTSD. I can't look at a Ginsters without having a flashback.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Vandalism

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Tell me about it!

    Women can be just as bad in the sexual harassment field. Or they used to be, anyway. I've seen middle-aged women set upon young blokes like a pack of horny hyenas. (I blame HRT)

    Best part was (cleaning) that the managers and supervisors used those toilets and never said a word..

    To be honest, I think I have PTSD. I can't look at a Ginsters without having a flashback.
    I think a lot of us Aspies have some kind of PTSD. I still really feel for you over the emotional abuse and humiliation you suffered from one of your school teachers over your sewing efforts that you mentioned the other day in one of the other threads.

    She treated you as a loser, but she was actually a loser herself!!

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Vandalism

    ASD and PTSD is a lethal combination which is not understood by many psychiatrists/psychologists. My son was hospitalised and sectioned (eventually) as a result of a traumatic life event and has pulled out 10 teeth. I hope that there is greater understanding of this horrendous distress in the future..If I do one thing it will be to educate professionals on the dangers of downplaying trauma in autistic people

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Vandalism

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Tell me about it!

    Women can be just as bad in the sexual harassment field. Or they used to be, anyway. I've seen middle-aged women set upon young blokes like a pack of horny hyenas. (I blame HRT)
    I've seen a young bloke terrified by a pissed hen party on a train - so much that he made his excuses and left, to a chorus of abuse.

    I've also seen it in the workplace. Whomsoever does it, it's not a pretty sight and it's inexcusable.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Vandalism

    Funny how most of the incidences of vandalism and scummy behaviour cited involve men .... women can be just as bad. My office is on a university campus in London, and I can tell you that the female loos on a daily basis continue to shock me. Same graffiti on the back of the loo doors (most of it is rather PC but still offensive to a rational mind), loo basins full to overflowing with detritus of indescribable origin - I can't bring myself to elaborate on how used sanitary items are strewn about. Drinks cans, sandwich wrappers where students have eaten their lunch in there .... you can even hear them on their mobile phones whilst engaged in toiletary business.....

    I firmly believe that together with all the other training that these young people undergo when beginning university life, they should be forced into toilet etiquette training .. something they have obviously never been taught at home. My mum always cited the mantra 'leave a place as you would wish to find it'.... some of these female students must come from absolute shit-holes ... or else they have an over-indulgent parent (or housemaid) cleaning up after them.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Vandalism

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    I think a lot of us Aspies have some kind of PTSD. I still really feel for you over the emotional abuse and humiliation you suffered from one of your school teachers over your sewing efforts that you mentioned the other day in one of the other threads.

    She treated you as a loser, but she was actually a loser herself!!
    Yeah. That one's stuck with me. The emotions I get when I think of that are still very powerful - all these years later. Some people shouldn't work with children, and she was one such person.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

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