Hi everyone,looking for a little reassurance here. I have recently been suffering with many anxiety related symptoms. I have had a lot of acid reflux and also nausea. The nausea started because I was getting random spasms in my throat, sort of like a tightness at the back of my throat with a sudden sensation that I may gag! This caused me exteme anxiety and panic which then led on to almost constant nausea because I was afraid of the spasms returning. Some times I have the feeling of something in my throat too and then the tightness comes, then out of nowhere this gag feeling. I havn't actually gagged yet, but have a phobia of vomiting so I am terrified I will.

Does anyone know if these feelings could be globus? Is it something more serious. I think If I knew others had experienced simila it may help me to deal with it, its just so random, its freaking me out! I also get the mouth watery feeling sometimes which scares me too.