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Thread: Random Acts of Kindness, or God?

  1. #111
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Random Acts of Kindness, or God?

    Quote Originally Posted by ankietyjoe View Post
    With respect Nora, I'm not getting into this with you again.
    The idea that people come back with 'information' they didn't know before is ridiculous, and I'm not even going to entertain a response to it.
    Except that you have responded. ^^^^^^

    Fair enough Joe. I won't interact with you again, in this thread or any other, because we seem to rub each other up the wrong way don't we?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  2. #112
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    Re: Random Acts of Kindness, or God?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    because we seem to rub each other up the wrong way don't we?

    Erm, not at all.

    If I rub YOU up the wrong way I apologise, I was trying to be as diplomatic as possible. I'm just suggesting there is no debate or conversation to be had for me about God or the supernatural so I won't interact in this thread any more.

  3. #113
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    Re: Random Acts of Kindness, or God?

    Quote Originally Posted by ankietyjoe View Post
    I'm just suggesting there is no debate or conversation to be had for me about God or the supernatural so I won't interact in this thread any more.
    With respect Joe, why did you find it necessary to comment on this thread about God in the first place if that's how you feel?

    I have an issue with you saying that there is no debate or conversation to be had for you about God or the supernatural and this declaration comes after you've made your personal beliefs abundantly clear.

    I don't think it's very fair for you to have your say, and ultimately shut me down (dressing it up as 'diplomacy') because I don't agree with you.

    For my part, I probably shouldn't have asked you about your wife. You had already told me you didn't want to engage with me anymore but you started talking about NDEs and that is an interest of mine, and it's like catnip to a cat. I was genuinely interested in what you were saying about your wife but, yeah, I should have left it. But then you dangled the line back in with your response. You said the 'ridiculous' word about something that means a lot to people and all my chest hair stood up. You get me?

    Look, I believe in the afterlife and a creator. You don't. There is no right or wrong here. Let's move on eh?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #114
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    Re: Random Acts of Kindness, or God?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Let's move on eh?
    I'm trying to....

    Just to be clear, I didn't say I didn't want to engage with YOU, I said I was out of THIS particular conversation. You're taking this incredibly personally for whatever reason, but I think it's important you actually read what I write, not read INTO what I write.

    I have NO problems with you. Period.

  5. #115

    Re: Random Acts of Kindness, or God?

    Quote Originally Posted by TimetoTurn View Post
    Hi Wired, I'm a Christian, and my thoughts are that yes -God wants to bless you because He loves you! I don't believe in energies, but I do believe there are certain 'laws' that God put there, and I believe the good people do to us is all essentially from Him! Prayer is also said to help stress levels -I personally believe it's because we're not made to go solo, but to give our cares to a God who loves us. So I suppose when people meditate (even though I don't do it in that way) it's a case of perhaps forgetting those worries. Anyway, going off subject now! Interesting post!
    I am a Christian too and I do agree with @TimetoTurn. God created us. And God is love so the actions of humans that loves God do reflect of who He is. Great post!

  6. #116
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    Re: Random Acts of Kindness, or God?

    I understand how you feel NoraB, and I've felt the same way about Joe before. Joe's a good guy, and I've learned he's passionate about his feelings and debates just like we are about ours. He'd be excellent on a debate panel.

    Whenever I enter a thread and debate with Joe, and anybody else, I leave my empathy at the door. Is that the right word empathy? I don't know lol. But in debate mode personal feelings are not considered. This is what happens in philosophical debates. It's like a war zone in a room full of philosophers debating on an idea. Then you see them all drinking coffee together in the café having a laugh.

    I guess my tip is to stand your ground in debate and not let emotions come to surface.

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  7. #117
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    Re: Random Acts of Kindness, or God?

    Quote Originally Posted by ankietyjoe View Post
    I'm trying to....

    Just to be clear, I didn't say I didn't want to engage with YOU, I said I was out of THIS particular conversation.
    Sorry, I'm confused. By 'conversation' do you mean this thread? The God bit? Ghosts? The whole thing? What?

    You're taking this incredibly personally for whatever reason,
    When you comment on my personal experiences by suggesting that it's all been in my head or whatever - I am entitled to respond.

    but I think it's important you actually read what I write, not read INTO what I write.
    I respond to what you've written.

    "The idea that people come back with 'information' they didn't know before is ridiculous"

    When you make comments like this, I'm going to respond because this has been documented time and time again with NDEs if you've ever bothered to research them in any kind of depth - which I have, and for 25 years.

    Just because you don't accept something doesn't make it untrue or ridiculous, Joe.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  8. #118
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    Re: Random Acts of Kindness, or God?

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    I understand how you feel NoraB, and I've felt the same way about Joe before. Joe's a good guy, and I've learned he's passionate about his feelings and debates just like we are about ours. He'd be excellent on a debate panel.
    Well we might have to glue him to the chair and lock the exits if the debate is anything to do with God or the supernatural eh?

    I guess my tip is to stand your ground in debate and not let emotions come to surface.
    Well that's boring.
    I get that you're playing peace keeper here WIC, but I'm absolutely fine. If Joe wants to stop poncing about and get back into the supernatural convo - I'm up for it.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  9. #119
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    Mar 2015

    Re: Random Acts of Kindness, or God?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Of course it doesn't PROVE it. It does SUGGEST it though, eh?
    Suggesting something isn’t evidence. It’s just a story.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Paranormal definition: Events of phenomena which are BEYOND THE SCOPE OF NORMAL SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING.

    Well, my argument is that your experience IS explainable using normal scientific understanding. So perhaps, if we’re using dictionary definitions, your experience actually isn’t paranormal.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Just because science hasn't been able to prove these things yet doesn't mean they do not exist - as was my point about things 'not existing' until discovered and proved.
    That’s just a never ending story that is utterly meaningless in science. There’s no scientific evidence of ghosts, spirits or the afterlife, so for me that’s where the story begins and ends. Narnia hasn’t been proven to exist, maybe that means it might exist? It makes no logical sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    With the paranormal, we are dealing with something that isn't within our control in order to measure it scientifically. However, your life is full of personal experiences which you 'know' to be real but have not been proven by the scientific method..
    Maybe yours has, mine certainly hasn’t. As I said earlier, I had what you might call a “paranormal experience” by thinking I heard my dead grandads voice as a child. Science tells me it was probably a product of my own mind. There’s a lot of scientifically validated evidence and research to suggest that’s exactly what it was. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever that it may actually have been my dead grandad speaking to me. I’ll go with the one that’s actually got evidence behind it rather than throwing faith at it.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Except that you are making those presumptions without knowing me.
    No, I’m putting forth the most logical explanation. I of course could be wrong, it’s just that I’m far far more likely to be right, based on the evidence, or lack thereof.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    I don't think it would actually. Given that when science comes anywhere near being able to prove something paranormal using the scientific method - sceptics raise the bar, debunk, or ridicule.
    That means that it’s debunkable, then, doesn’t it? So therefore not true. You seem to be more concerned with wanting it to be true rather than the story actually standing up to scientific scrutiny. Why is that? Surely if you’re so confident in a belief you’d have no problem having that belief scrutinised? If you’re annoyed at someone having a go at “debunking” it then perhaps the story doesn’t quite have the rock foundations you think they have.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    What I'm saying is that, if you'd had experiences like mine, it's possible that you would think differently and your experience (and the more profound the better) would override your scientific thinking.
    Maybe it would. That still wouldn’t be scientific evidence, though.

  10. #120
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Random Acts of Kindness, or God?

    Have any of you read the book Contact by Carl Sagan?
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

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