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Thread: A very real brain tumour fear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    A very real brain tumour fear

    I'm not here with just one symptom and thinking "I'm dying!!" - there's a few and I'm so scared now.

    -A change in the amount I get headaches. I've never really been a headache kinda guy but recently I've started getting them more frequently. What's alarming is they seem to be there on a morning and they seem to get worse when I bend. They're not really painful, I'd say mild.

    -Tinnitus in both ears.

    -Neck stiffness.

    -Twitching which comes and goes in my arms and legs.

    -Short term memory loss which I've had for years now.

    -Tingling (which I made a thread about a month or so ago) - mainly in my leg. It goes when I'm up and about walking but comes back when I'm sat/laid down.

    So I guess it's only natural that such worrying symptoms are leading me to believe I have a brain tumour. The only tests I've had in the past year have been a full blood count and an eye test which both came back clear.

    I'm just so sick/fed up of worrying. I'm at the end of my tether :( I'm on a strict calorie control diet which is making me lose weight fast so I've no idea if that could potentially cause any of my symptoms but I guess it's worth mentioning.
    Last edited by Jase.; 10-11-19 at 12:41.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: A very real brain tumour fear

    I can honestly say there's nothing there that screams brain tumour. The headache sounds like it could be a tension headache or blood pressure related. Speak to the GP about your worries and anxiety. Feel well soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: A very real brain tumour fear

    Quote Originally Posted by spacebunnyx View Post
    I can honestly say there's nothing there that screams brain tumour. The headache sounds like it could be a tension headache or blood pressure related. Speak to the GP about your worries and anxiety. Feel well soon.
    Thank you I'm not too clued up about brain tumour symptoms outside of the obvious headahces and neurological symptoms. May I ask what kinda things would be concerning?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: A very real brain tumour fear

    Quote Originally Posted by Jase. View Post
    May I ask what kinda things would be concerning?
    That's just feeding the dragon. There's no reason or need to pursue this.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: A very real brain tumour fear

    FYI- A very real brain tumor fear means a doctor has said, I think you have a brain tumor.

    What you have is a group of sensations, and you have decided to label them brain tumor. You are feeding yourself a line.

    If you are interested in not being a hypochondriac, I suggest you not ask people on here about what symptoms you should be looking for, since you are going to start noticing them immediately. There's no reason you need to know what brain tumor symptoms are.

    There is another path for you and that is telling yourself these "symptoms" are normal bodily sensations, stop paying them attention, and see if you stop noticing them.

    Or, go to a doctor. Personally, I would not go to a doctor for the symptoms you're describing but, if I did, I would give it another month unless anything got significantly worse (like the tinnitus). The problem is, a hypochondriac is going to get hung up on, omg, is that worse today?? So, that's why I usually ignore symptoms like you're mentioning. A lot of them are anxiety related sensations. You can produce headaches, for instance, if you are tensing up your jaw and cheek muscles.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: A very real brain tumour fear

    Quote Originally Posted by Jase. View Post
    I'm not here with just one symptom and thinking "I'm dying!!" - there's a few and I'm so scared now.

    -A change in the amount I get headaches. I've never really been a headache kinda guy but recently I've started getting them more frequently. What's alarming is they seem to be there on a morning and they seem to get worse when I bend. They're not really painful, I'd say mild.

    -Tinnitus in both ears.

    -Neck stiffness.

    -Twitching which comes and goes in my arms and legs.

    -Short term memory loss which I've had for years now.

    -Tingling (which I made a thread about a month or so ago) - mainly in my leg. It goes when I'm up and about walking but comes back when I'm sat/laid down.

    So I guess it's only natural that such worrying symptoms are leading me to believe I have a brain tumour. The only tests I've had in the past year have been a full blood count and an eye test which both came back clear.

    I'm just so sick/fed up of worrying. I'm at the end of my tether :( I'm on a strict calorie control diet which is making me lose weight fast so I've no idea if that could potentially cause any of my symptoms but I guess it's worth mentioning.
    Headaches, tinnitus, and neck stiffness all sound like the product of tension in your face and jaw, probably from anxiety. And, tingling and numbness are both anxiety symptoms, as is memory loss (or seeming like you have memory loss). I've had every one of these symptoms when my anxiety is bad, and I still get migraines, tinnitus, and neck pain from TMJ (all of which get worse when I'm stressed).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: A very real brain tumour fear

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    Headaches, tinnitus, and neck stiffness all sound like the product of tension in your face and jaw, probably from anxiety. And, tingling and numbness are both anxiety symptoms, as is memory loss (or seeming like you have memory loss). I've had every one of these symptoms when my anxiety is bad, and I still get migraines, tinnitus, and neck pain from TMJ (all of which get worse when I'm stressed).
    Thank you for the reassurance

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: A very real brain tumour fear

    My aunt had a brain tumour. Trust me, we could tell it was very serious even before the exams. Your symptoms, annoying as they can be, are caused by tension as the other poster said. These last weeks I've had neck stiffness, light headaches and tinnitus but I'm feeling better. I tried tinnitus music therapy while working (-> YouTube videos) and yoga and I watch my posture at my desk. It's really making a difference.

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