hey jonny,

first time i was depressed i was well scared i mite do summit silly and i looked round at my fam and friends and new i had the support there for me weneva i needed it. i do understand wot ure goin through. i have self harmed myself b4 i just once. i cut myself on the top of my arm, although it only looked like a paper cut, it hurt like hell but ive neva dun it since then cos ive regreted doin it. but at times i do feel desparate to escape my feelings of sdaness and anger but weneva i feel like that i attack me pillow, it does the world of gd for me. and ive also wrote all my feelings on pieces of paper and just screamed at the top of my voice while rippin it all up. (just a few ideas) but most of us will no wot u r feeling, and ive often wondered wot it wud b like for a car to hit me and then my problems wud all go away. but then i thunk that theres a chance id live and my problems wud still b with me. so then i hope it doesnt happen cos id b in so much pain ontop of my problems. but im sure sum ova ppl on here will give u more advice, and see if my ideas wud help u even if its the slightest bit.

hugs Rachel xxxxx