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Thread: 30 days on Fluoxetine - when will nausea/shaky stomach stop?

  1. #1

    30 days on Fluoxetine - when will nausea/shaky stomach stop?

    I have been lurking this forum since I started fluoxetine. I started on May 4th, 2012.

    I had a couple days of insomnia early on and appetite decreased significantly. The insomnia only lasted a couple of days, the decreased appetite has continued. It feels like my stomach is a thinly stretched balloon and cannot hold much food. I may be really loving my food and want to eat more, but I will gag or throw up if I try to push it. Seems like my stomach cannot only hold so much weight.

    I can deal with that, I suppose. My real concern is that I have pretty bad nausea and "sour stomach". All day it feels like it's very possible I could throw up. I've actually missed a lot of work lately. I missed all of last week because my stomach was churning so badly.

    This side effect didn't come on until about mid-May (about 2 weeks). It has persisted for the last 2 weeks. I have read a lot hear about getting through the worst and riding out the side effects. Any ideas on how much longer I'll have the "sour stomach"? I've already had it for 2 to 2 1/2 weeks. I don't mind the decreased appetite (I've lost 5 lbs and I need to lose more) and I'm sleeping just fine. If the stomach doesn't get better, I have to wean off fluoxetine because I can't lose my job because this drug makes me feel like I have the stomach flu.

    Just yesterday morning, I even vomited a few times. I had nothing in my stomach so it was just heaving up spit but the contractions were just like throwing up.

    I've tried motion sickness pills, Pepto Bismal, TUMS...nothing helps the stomach.

    Also, just curious: anyone feel a tightness in their forehead? I picture it like someone injected Botox into my forehead. It doesn't bother me. I just find it strange. I have had that since I started fluoxetine.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: 30 days on Fluoxetine - when will nausea/shaky stomach stop?


    Sorry you are going through a rough time - I was on Prozac for 15 years! and was really good to me. However I remember the side effects very well - especially stomach problems - they did eventually go.

    I think you are still suffering from side effects - my side effects started the second week. People tend to think you will get them straight away but even now I am on Citalopram (5 weeks) and no start up problems but the psychiatrist asked me a couple of weeks ago to jump to 40mg - well the second week (just gone) has been awful - anxiety/acidity has had me in tears. So I have dropped to 30mg as of tonight although he said side effects happen in the first week? Never in my case.

    Have you any Losec/Omeprazole - it may be called something different in the States.
    Would try and give a couple
    more weeks or may be that fluoxetine doesn't suit you - have you tried Celexa - the one I am taking as start up effects were more gentle than fluoxetine.

    I guess you are on 20mg? The tightness in the forehead may be tension. Try and have some soup and probiotics yoghurts have helped me along with a hot water bottle on my stomach.

    Hope you start to feel better


  3. #3

    Re: 30 days on Fluoxetine - when will nausea/shaky stomach stop?

    Hello I changed over to fluoxetine for only a month, i had constant stomach pains and really pale skin. I thought my anxiety was causing the pains but when I got a capsule stuck in my throat, the drug leaked and started burning my oesophagus, it is surprisingly acidic. So there is a chance they may never go unless you discontinue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: 30 days on Fluoxetine - when will nausea/shaky stomach stop?

    Hi - I had a lot of acidity/dyspepsia when I first started to take fluoxetine for weeks but it did go and I got a capsule stuck in my throat - only did that once! doesn't it burn, but I am definitely not knocking the drug as it served me very well and got my life back for 15 years.

  5. #5

    Re: 30 days on Fluoxetine - when will nausea/shaky stomach stop?

    Thank you guys for answering my questions.

    The "so sick to my stomach feeling" eventually did pass. Seemed like it lasted about 3 weeks. It was very rough. I'm writing this to not only thank you but in case someone else searches for a question like this. So to those people, it did pass for me. I was hoping side effects only lasted a few days, maybe a week or 2. Maybe I was just unfortunate, but mine lasted 3 weeks and then GRADUALLY eased up and got better. The "sour stomach" did not just stop one day as I was hoping it would do.

    Maalox is helpful (or an off-brand of that; they don't seem to sell Maalox anymore). Coats your stomach. Couldn't do anything about the motion sickness feeling (getting up and walking around I'd feel...unsteady).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: 30 days on Fluoxetine - when will nausea/shaky stomach stop?

    Hi Glad the stomach has got a better and just bear with the fluoxetine - it does take time.

    I am just been diagnosed with Gastritis - been on Citalopram 7 weeks - feeling a bit better mentally but used the stomach issue - been told by the professionals it is not the Citalopram causing it! Hopefully the Omeprazole will help but it is painful!

    My side effects lasted quite a while on fluoextine may be 6 weeks - but I did get better and found it a miracle drug for 15 years until it had stopped working - but hey feel as though I gave it a good run for its money! Hope the Citalopram will do the same.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Re: 30 days on Fluoxetine - when will nausea/shaky stomach stop?

    Hi guys
    I'm on day 12 fluoxetine...I'm feeling sick now. I have ranitidine (zantac) at home I'm temptated to use it, I feel my stomach so acid. Yesterday I waited too much to eat and felt terrible after: dizzy, troubles to breathe, nausea... don't know if it is prozac or the food I ate!! :(
    Still feeling a little like this now. Please help!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: 30 days on Fluoxetine - when will nausea/shaky stomach stop?

    Hi Elili, im on around day 14 on flux, i have the same problem as you.
    I was even sick if a look or smell food at some point recently, i am taking Stemetil and Colpermin to help settle my stomach. Ive lost a stone in weight in 3-4weeks through not eating. Gav

  9. #9

    Re: 30 days on Fluoxetine - when will nausea/shaky stomach stop?

    I had been on anti-depressants for the last 8 years. 4 years ago I switched to Prozac (generic form). The first 3 years I tolerated it well, with some occasional indigestion after taking it. I begin to be severely nauseated and thought that I had a virus that was going around. After a few weeks I was still nauseous and had a complete loss of appetite. I went to see my doc and he treated me for gastritis. This went on and off for 10 months, with severe abdominal pain in the upper stomach that was only relieved by taking Hydrocodone. After many tests it was determined that my gall bladder was bad and so out it came. I did well for the next year, I did not take the Prozac that year. Later, I decided to go back on it and I took it for only four days. The fifth day I was back in the ER with severe abdominal pain, dyspepsia and nausea. It never occurred to me that the Prozac was what was making me sick but looking back now I can see all the times that it did. after going a year and then taking it only to be suddenly sick with the same symptoms is just too coincidental. Its been 2 weeks since the ER visit and I am still suffering with gastritis symptoms and it is very painful. I will never, ever take it again. I lost a total of 20 pds over the last 2 years. I don't think my stomach will ever feel the same again.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: 30 days on Fluoxetine - when will nausea/shaky stomach stop?

    Can I ask if you had diarrhoea also with the sour stomach. I have a churning stomach throughout the day and it has been here for over a week and I am getting fed up xxxx

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