sorry if this is a bit long but hre goes...The council house i'm living in is under going major refubishment that started last week, have been worrying about this for months and luckily i coped all last week(just)..Monday they ripped out the kitchen..Tues fully rewired(had to go to a respite house which was a major acheivement as i am agrophobic). WEDNESDAY bathroom refit..THURS bathroom plastering..FRI other plastering..Today plastering the kitchen. As you can imagine my house is full of strangers at the moment and i don't know how i'm coping especialy with the weather been hot and humid too i have visions of them needing to turn the electric off and me been without the fan, i'm no good whatsoever with strangers and have major panic attacks, the fact that all the kitchen appliences etc are in my living room so i have no room to move and no preparation areas apparently this work is going to take 7 weeks and i don't know how much longer i can cope in this heat as well has anyone any advice please :(
sorry if this is a long rant