Hi there,

Just looking for some reassurance about various aches & pains. I've been to see my doctor quite a lot recently, who is very nice, to talk about my health anxiety which I have been struggling with for about 2 months now.

I had a thyroid test which came back normal, and he's not concerned that anything else is wrong, based on the symptoms I have described. I mean, I'm 26, never smoked, don't drink much, eat well and exercise daily. So I KNOW I'm in pretty much the lowest possible risk group for getting a serious illness... but even so, I still struggle with so many different aches & symptoms... sometimes it's hard to ignore them.

Recently I have had...

Tight throat, feeling swollen, hard to breathe
Sharp pain in chest
Pain in lower back/buttocks/down one leg
Ear ache
Pain in lower jaw (although this could very well be a wisdom tooth which I can see half-emerged)
Feeling the cold / feeling tired / feeling dizzy or 'out of it'
Not sleeping well

When I'm thinking rationally, I'm 99% sure these are all anxiety symptoms. Because, as sure as clockwork, each one disappears once I stop thinking about it. But then another will surface. At the moment, the pain in my lower back/buttocks is troubling me, kind of near the tailbone. My bowel movements seem normal. Also, there's a weird achey pain in the centre of my back and a bit in the chest too.

Even though I know that most (or all) of my symptoms sound like classic anxiety, and my doctor has told me that he's not worried at all, I guess in moments of panic (irrational thinking) my main fear is that there must be something wrong... My main fear is usually cancer or something similar. I always remember stories in the media of people "feeling a bit crap" for months and then finding out they have something serious.

Is this likely or should I just completely forget about it? The doc insists that if I had something wrong, I would immediately know with some serious symptoms, rather than the stuff I have mentioned so far.

Any help appreciated!

Oh and by the way, I'm taking 3 tablets of propanalol a day and going to see a CBT specialist soon...

---------- Post added at 18:17 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ----------
