I'm so sick of this. Started to feel really sick again yesterday and when I woke up this morning and have really bad tummy ache again. I had put it down to ovulation pains/bad PMS, but my period has only just finished and so its clearly not that.

Convinced I have ovarian cancer all over again. The only time I seem to be free of these symptoms is when I have my period and so I am now panicking that there is something seriously wrong with me.

I did have a stressful day yesterday, had my blood test at the doctors to check my thyroid and someone pranged my car and didn't leave a note. But I don't FEEL stressed, just ill:(

Sorry for the moan - I'm just getting so sick of this. After a failed attempt to come off my meds, I have only been taking 15mg, whereas my psychiatrist told me to take 30mg, just wondering whether I ought to follow his advice and have done with it!!

Because I have diarrhoea most mornings when i wake up - I'm wondering whether the 15mg is being whipped out of my system quicker than it should be (I take it at night).

God I really hate this - why won't it all go away?????????????

SB xx