hi everyone, just wondered if anyone else suffered the same as i do. here goes... in 2002 i had a bad panic attack, and several more over the following months, went to gp after gp and was diagnosed with everything from headache to sinusitus! eventually got to see a pyscatrist(shrink) and he diagnosed anxiety. I could have kissed him, as he knew all my symptoms. The trouble is now, dont quite know how to explain this, but i seem to have a fear of the symptoms. As soon as i spot one of them, could be having to use the loo a lot or stomach churning, i recognise them as the anxiety symptoms, then start getting into a panic as i never want to feel like i did again. Trouble is i always end up feeling like it, as i worry about each one! I can go weeks and feel "normal" you know, happy go lucky. Then i ll spot one!!lol and the circle begins. does anyone else feel like this? would be great to know im not alone