
I joined this site nearly 10 years ago when I was suffering from severe HA and after 2 years of suffering and trying medications, therapists etc I was put on Prozac and for me it worked and was able to resolve my issues by 2007. Fast forward to 2014 and my anxiety has returned, I was admitted to hospital in May and discharged with a letter saying the chest pains I was experiencing were due to anxiety/stress. My GP wanted me to take Fluoxetine again, but I decided to take the herbal route and tried Quiet Life tablets for a month. Although these helped to take the edge of the anxiety I still had the chest pains/aches and stopped taking them and of course the anxiety got worse. On Friday I had had enough and started the Fluoxetine again, but the side effects (fuzzy head, palpitations which are really scary are bad. I can't remember these from 2006, but then again I was mentally in a different place then. Interesting, my chest pains have gone. I know the cause of my anxiety (health worries earlier in the year that turned out to be nothing, taking some professional exams and the stress of a project delivery at work), but it isn't that easy to put the anxiety genie back in the bottle, is it?

I really feel like stopping the medication but am going on holiday on a months time and want to be in a better place mentally.