I've had 5 sessions with my counsellor now. I find it hard because she unsettles me when I arrive by not speaking apart from saying hello. She waits for me to speak and I find myself doing so to fill the silence. I know listening is her job, and once I'm going I'm ok. It just takes me a while to get talking about the serious stuff.

So here's the dilemma....

I have discussed self-esteem, self-help for panic, and my meds. Near the end of last week's session I told her I was assaulted when I was 13. But I don't know whether my self-esteem came first, or my problems came after the assault.

basically, i don't want to talk about it, because it disturbs me. And makes me feel guilty because I didn't stop him. But I feel that the fact I don't want to shows me I really need to deal with it because I never have. I know this is a tough one, and I hope it doesn't upset anyone else. But I could do with some advice please. Do you think I should get into it and talk about this with her? Or leave well alone? [:P]


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.