I know all women over a certain age on this site will appreciate the hell of the thread title!
My mother died of breast cancer so its a real and genuine fear for me. I had my first nhs mammo 3 years ago and had a letter all okay after 6 days. Next one was due two weeks ago and off i went. They say on their info results within 2 weeks but the radiographer said as I was leaving it could be up to 3 weeks as they are short staffed.
So every day the postman comes and I almost die of fright, part of me wanting to know part of me not but now 2 weeks and nothing so I rang the screening unit in case a letter had been sent and gone astray and was horrified to be told the wait isn't 2-3 weeks but possibly 4-6 weeks for results. No letter had gone astray for me - still waiting.
This is just cruel for someone with health anxiety!