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Thread: emetaphobia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.


    Tonight i have just realised that this is what i suffer. it not hugely severe as i am used to the feeling of feeling sick - everyday i feel nauseous and i think it is mainly with worry. i realise there has been a post like this one before.

    my little sister used to have this fear but she was ill at new year and i think this helped her a lot. i dont want to turn to my mum and say i have got this problem now as i dont think she will believe me as i am 'mature'

    what i have in my head though is that it has been almost 4 years since i last got sick - i cant help but think that its going to happen someitme soon. is it at all possible to not get sick?! id rather have a terrible flu where i cant walk and have to stay in bed than be physically sick.

    my life would be soo stress free if being sick didnt exist :(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Try these other posts as well..

    To Emetophobia sufferers
    1st day CBT exposure for emetaphobia = scary
    A visit to the Doctors
    CBT for emetophobia my experiences...
    Emetaphobia 101


    People will forget what you said
    People will forget what you did
    But people will never forget how you made them feel

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hello - Thank you for replying to my post which was very similar to yours! How are you feeling now? I deeply empathise with you hun and like you - would rather be ill for a month than be sick once! I am arounf sick a lot with my work which I am getting more used to but if I was to be sick I would freak!! I can only remember ever being sick 3 times in my life - once when i was 6, when I was 8 and then over 5 years ago when I was 20!

    The only advice I can give you really is to talk to someone - people are more sympathetic than you think they will be and get their support. I think about it every day but it doesn't worry me everyday unless I come into contact with someone who has a bug or I hear about someone having a bug that I have been in contact with! Please dont worry yourself so much about it, I know it is easy to say that but if there is no reason why you should be sick - you wont be!

    Keep smiling and dont let this ruin you life - take it from someone who has been there with the exact same phobia but has come through it mostly (apart from when I come into contact with someone with a tummy bug!!!)

    Dawn x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thank you for that reassuring post! i think about it constantly too. its always on my even though i know that i am not gonna be sick!!! a girl from my work told me the other day that her little girl had been up all night - and i was eating lunch!! i freaked and couldnt eat coz i had been in contact with her briefly the day before!! itsd quite pathetic [Sigh...] and sometimes i feel that if i dont think about it im forgetting about the fact that i could be ill at any moment! its like a vicious circle!!

    im the same,whenever someone with a tummy bug comes NEAR me i run a mile!! but if rthey have the flu or a cold then i dont mind whatsoever!! or even food poisoning lol. but if i think i can catch it i get freaky! lol.

    glad t hear that ur doing well

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