Need to have a chat with my dr tomorrow about how anxious I am again, hoping for a self help book and cbt.

Also im concerned about how ill I am recently, I seem to be picking up alot of illnesses when the kids are ill but my husband seems fine, he doesn't catch anything from them. Its one thing after another with me lately and I used to be fine. My full blood count was fine last month so I know the dr won't say much.

Also I feel so weak lately, hard to explain this but can anyone shed some light? I feel sort of dizzy/light headed, body feels sort of achy, I feel abit sick and stomach feels tight. So hard to explain but I get a wierd feeling all over if I do to much but the thing is its not too much really. I am 27 yrs old, 3 children and im trying to do housework and I suddenly feel dizzy and sick, like ive done to much when im pregnant, lol! which I am not. Could this be caused by my low ferritin (iron stores)?im not anaemic at all though. Also I don't drink much, im a crap drinker, I must admit I probably only drink 1 cup of de caf coffee a day then I might sip water here & there and manage say half a pint doing that and thats all day long. I never drink properly, not sure why. Could this be making me feel this way?can dehydration be caused by the amounts im drinking or should i say not? i am only 5ft so surely I don't need to drink that much, lol! I just don't like drinking, im odd I am eating fine.

At the moment I do have a virus so yes I feel abit off colour and dizzy anyway but urghh its horrible.

I am drinking some OJ and hubby is bringing more mineral water home tonight.