Hi all,
last year i had 2 major issues, both came out okay.
This year started out fine, then the health anxiety started after i've booked my annual physical checkup which will be in 1 week. When i went in for a leg lump check last year, the surgeon checked the lymph nodes in my pelvic area. she said afterward that your lymph nodes are fine. However, during the exam, she kept on asking if my left leg ever has issue. I'm guessing that the lymph nodes on the left side of the pelvic is bigger than the right side (where i have the lump on my right leg). I was happy and didn't ask why she mentioned left side when she said that my lymph nodes are okay after the exam.

Anyway because of this coming annual exam, somehow my thoughts go back to that issue last year, and the past 2 days i have been checking my lymph nodes on the left side although I don't know how to check or where they are. I dont' feel any hard lumps though. But if i press hard, i can feel like little beads moving in the skin somehow. I don't google because I know it will cause excessive checking and may cause a reactive node if i know where they are to check/touch. I also feel little bit of cramping on the left side (probably side effect of my thoughts focusing on that area)

I'm telling myself not checking until next week. However, those fears, anxious thoughts are still lurking around. How do I deal with them?

thanks everyone