Thanks for the quick reply Lior.

Yeah psychiatrists are the ones that can prescribe meds, had to see her to get the pregabalin.

I'm terrible at putting into practice techniques from books. I read through some of Claire Weekes stuff and it was genuinely interesting and I recognized a lot of myself in there, but putting the techniques into practice felt impossible, like I couldn't concentrate. I guess I also feel like my situation is vastly different to what it was 3 years ago. But perhaps a different type might be the answer.

Yeah I see her next Friday, it can't come soon enough. I suppose it's not even really about CBT in general, it's more that i'd like to do something to supplement the medication since i've got a bad feeling that the minute I stop taking them or reduce the dose, the problem will come back because i've not really been dealing with it, just covering it up.

Thanks for your response, it's given me something to think about for sure!