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Thread: just dont know what to do

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    just dont know what to do

    I have been suffering panic attacks really bad just lately i had managed to get on a course at college and it involves typing and stuff which i have been enjoying. The only thing is that they have started a new course which we have to do to stay on the course it is called personal developement and you have to talk about your self in a group that sits in a circle facing inwards. I didnt want to go to it cos i didnt think i would do very well but i went anyway for the first one. I found that i was having a mass panic attack all the way through and i just wanted to run out and escapefrom there but i stayed till the end clock watching and fiddeting. I dont want to goto another one as i felt so scared beiung ther ein that siotuation but if i dont go then i cant do the rest of the courses as it is a must to stay on the course. I dont know what to do i cant get a hjob cos im too panicky and if i dont do this course then i wont have anything to do at all, what do i do? i feel like im a useless mess that is no good for anything help


    Peace love and unity xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi emme sorry u r having problems with the group chatting, and yes this is important to you and if u lose your course just becouse of this part u will feel more down. One could you tell someone your problem and tell them would it be ok if you left to chsat if to scared? or anothing thing are u on any medication for panic? If not why not ask doctor ror a low dose vallium just to help you get through this part? but dont take vallium for long as they are very addictive. cant think of anything els but sure u will get some good help from here. take care Vernon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Emma

    First of all, well done for doing the course in the first place, its way more than I would have done feeling like that!!!
    Also, you might not feel like it now but you did really well staying there even though you felt bad and were clock watching.
    I know you dont want to go back but youve got over the first hurdle remarkably well. You went there, you sat there, you met everyone and you didnt leave. Im not going to say that if you go again that you wont feel like it for the next couple of sessions but it will get easier with time.
    Just make sure you have a bottle of water with you, use some rescue remedy and you will get through it.
    Does your tutor know how you feel? It might be worth a mention to him/her, im betting they have come across people like us before and its nothing to be ashamed of!!

    Take care
    love Sarah

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Emma

    I also think that you did extremely well to attend the course in the first place, and to stay until the end, even though you were having a panic attack. I had a similar situation a couple of months ago when I started a university course. I had a panic attack when faced with the prospect of talking in front of the rest of the group.

    I too wonder if you could have a word with your tutor and discuss if there is any way that you won't be put under pressure to talk in front of the group. It does seem a shame to have to give up college because of this one part of the course, particularly without seeing if they can make any special arrangements to accommodate this problem.


    It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Emma

    Look how well you did to stay and not run off in a panic.

    Like Sarah says get some water to sip and another good thing is some sharp sweets to eat cos they take your mind off the panicky feelings.

    Do some slow deep breaths whilst others are talking try to calm your breathing down to stop the hyperventilation.

    You are doing so well so don't give up now ok?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks for the kind response i always feel at home in this forum and not judged when the rest of the world would think i was a mad woman.
    I have been trying to take things in life as try them and if you cant cope with it then at least you know and after trying this course i just feel that i couldnt go back and face another session. I think its the content of the course, we were doing about how people react if chatting in close proximity and personal space and we had to put our face close to the person next to us and that freaked me out!! The other thing was studying body language and he says a person who is nervous can be seen fidgetting and looking down and i thought thats me !! he then says look round at people in the room and guess how theyre feeling, i just thought let me out of here!! Its all stuff like that on the course and its very hard to handle when u have panick attacks. If it was a normal lesson with a desk infront of me fine id be ok. In the lesson i have to discuss my life and give examples of problems i have had and i dont want to discuss that with any one but my counsellor.
    I am on meds for depression and panic and i see a counsellor once a week. I might see if they can have a word for me. The college knows i have panick attacks and ihave been doing really well, even doing my first days work experience in reception which was hard but i got through it. This episode has set me right back and ive got no confideence again i so dont wanna lose my courses, ill let you know what happens on tuesday

    thanks for listening

    Peace love and unity xx

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