Hi my name is terry,

I had NO idea that it only acts as an SSRI at a low level. I have literally been up ALL night long (tossing and turning),--- Maybe, getting an hour or two of sleep a night. I am also sick with a bad cold so that's making it worse. I find that my mind won't shut off and i'm just not tired when i lay down to go to sleep. I finally gave in one night and took 1MG of xanax and knocked out for the whole night. I really needed the sleep, but I don't want to rely on that. So far that's the only side effect I'm getting, but it's only day 4 of the the 20 MG. I actually skipped last night's dose to see if i could sleep- NOPE! I'm switching to the morning now, so just took one.

And yes, I was in the process of cross tapering from pristiq, which i stopped today. Maybe the two together were keeping me up, in addition to being sick with a stuffy nose and sore throat. It's the perfect sh***t storm.

What do doctor's prescribe if a med works, but you can't sleep? It is always trazadone? Does that actually work? I hate to take another med, as I want to eventually get off of the Klonopin.