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Thread: Deep thinking is giving me horrendous anxiety pls help

  1. #1

    Please Reply I need advice

    Hey guy Im 19 years old in school and for some reason I've been stuck on the big questions in life. Ive always had a set belief system but lately I've been plaguing myself with all these unanswerable big questions. Sometimes they make me nervous thinking about it. It just been bothering me for a couple months now. Its hard to shift my thoughts at times. Ive been thinking about everything religion, philosophy, the universe, earth, humanity and at times its been overwhelming to think about. its been a struggle for because i feel like a lot of people either don't understand or they just don't really care but lately its all i can think about. Ive always been motivated and productive but this pattern of thinking has been affecting me socially, athletically, and academically. I just want to know how u guys approach this and I would appreciate any advice to get my mind off this stuff.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Please Reply I need advice

    Few things:
    You might feel like you must feel grounded in your stable belief system all the time. That's not a helpful belief. These are questions no one know the answers to. It's ok to not know the answers. Compulsively trying to figure out the meaning of the universe is motivated by your fear of uncertainty. Not by interest. Am I right?
    You might also feel like you have to solve this problem before moving on with your life. This need to solve the big questions (to feel safe, grounded and certain) is actually what keeps you engaging in all kinds of compulsions that lead to obsessions. You need to solve nothing! Let that uncertainty be, learn to handle it in a healthy manner and focus on more fun and important things! This is how you can move on my friend!

  3. #3

    Existential anxiety is making me fearful of my health

    Hey guys please reply pls, the more replies the better anyways Im 19 yrs old I'm athletic and artistic I don't do drugs or drink. A few months a back i had a bad panic attack which led to depression and eventually existential thoughts. I don't think I have dp but its been hard to let go of these existential thoughts. Im religious but at the same time for some reason i keep sweating the idea of solipsism i wonder what this is this because my perception of reality is all i know i wonder if the people around me are in the same moment or if they even exist i know that sounds crazy but i don't believe it the idea just bothers me very much. I think about how absurd time is and if my present is the same as everyone elses and the more I think about it the more it bothers me. Im scared of becoming psychotic because the more i think about this stuff the more I don't know what to believe. But I'm in so deep its tough. I also wonder if I'm in a simulation because i read that elon musk thought it was a possibility. If And that makes me a little uneasy because i can't prove it. When i think deeply everything starts to seem absurd like how did i land up on this planet in the middle of the universe. Its fascinating butt at the same time it bothers me sometimes and makes it harder to engage in certain things like working out and playing sports, things which i used to enjoy tremendously like it makes me nervous because these thoughts have been suffocating. It bothers me because i wonder if I'm sharing the experience with other people i just want to know that for sure. If that makes sense at all can u guys please give me advice to get through this. Im very ambitious and i want to help other people. I just need someone to help guide me through this phase. It just bothers me for whatever reason. I believe in god but for some reason I can't let go of these thoughts. I think about the cosmos, philosophy, all types of irrational thoughts and it just gives me anxiety can someone please help guide me through this. Its like all of sudden Ive realized these things, it sucks because this stuff didn't bother me before but now it consumes me. any advice or coaching would be much appreciated. These thoughts have made the my past few months dreadful to say the least. I never had ocd tendencies before but these thoughts have become obsessive and literally its all i think about. Its changed daily vibes completely everything feels weird and absurd which just fuels the questioning and the anxiety. I don't think I have dp but I think depression and anxiety has led me to deep questioning. The more i think about it the more it makes me sick pls help. Im scared I'm going crazy. My thoughts are getting pretty absurd.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Existential anxiety is making me fearful of my health

    *Stops to Google solipsism*

    Are you taking philosophy classes in college? I think this is a known side effect of that.

    I had some similar anxiety when I was your age, and this cartoon made an impact on me:

    The point is that you can't think about big things all the time, and it's important to "revel in the mundane" as I put it. Watch corny sitcoms, engage in a hobby, enjoy simple things in your life. If you think too much about the big stuff, you'll lose your balance on that perch on top of the chimney.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Existential anxiety is making me fearful of my health

    Based on your post history and that every thread is on the same subject and more or less the same verbiage, it appears you're on an OCD type cycle of repetitive thoughts. It might be best to seek some real life professional help to assist you in breaking the cycle your in.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  6. #6

    Re: Existential anxiety is making me fearful of my health

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky16 View Post
    *Stops to Google solipsism*

    Are you taking philosophy classes in college? I think this is a known side effect of that.

    I had some similar anxiety when I was your age, and this cartoon made an impact on me:

    The point is that you can't think about big things all the time, and it's important to "revel in the mundane" as I put it. Watch corny sitcoms, engage in a hobby, enjoy simple things in your life. If you think too much about the big stuff, you'll lose your balance on that perch on top of the chimney.
    Yeah I'm taking a religion and philosophy class but what blows my mind is how little we know about the universe. And all the big questions and thoughts such as how did i land up on earth in a vast universe or what is reality and time just really get to me now. I think its because i never gave it a 2nd thought before but its like everything is a mystery so I've questioned it somewhat pessimistically u could say but i can't get a grasp on it and it makes me feel disconnected from everything. Now i find myself overthinking shit i always took for granted and its been very taxing. Overthinking i guess is y problem but everything is just mind blowing now to me and it used to be the norm. If that makes sense I'm scared its changing me in a bad way. Im not very happy anymore. i hope that makes sense I'm just tired of these thoughts

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Existential anxiety is making me fearful of my health

    Quote Originally Posted by jeffjones View Post
    Yeah I'm taking a religion and philosophy class but what blows my mind is how little we know about the universe. And all the big questions and thoughts such as how did i land up on earth in a vast universe or what is reality and time just really get to me now.
    Does it really matter why you landed on Earth? It doesn't change the fact that you are here and have not choice but to make the best of it. Sure, maybe none of us exists....but really....who cares if we do or don't? If you think you exist, you exist (<---- grave ba$tardization of Descartes) so proceed as if you do. And if it's not fun to consider all the different philosophies of existence, DON'T do it. Thinking life through is not intended to substitute for living a life and finding the meaning in it.

    That's where I basically am with it all- there's no point, life doesn't make sense, there's lot about human society not to like BUT you've got to carve out your own meaning because you've got 80+ years to deal with being here. Find what you find meaningful and fill your life with that. Apparently, that's NOT philosophy!!!! :-)

  8. #8

    Re: Existential anxiety is making me fearful of my health

    Just the thought of loneliness scares the shit out of me i guess i just want to know Im not alone I know I exist because I have a 1st person perception with a conscious if that doesn't prove it idk what else would. But since i can't prove other people do it scares me. I just need support or something. Its like I'm smart enough to come up with crazy philosophical ideas but I'm too dumb to dismiss them for my own sake. My latest obsession is time now I constantly wonder if we all perceive at least a similar reality at the same time if that makes sense. Its like the more I question stuff the more scares. I went my whole life up to this point and I was able to dismiss these thoughts but now they consume me and I wonder if i was being nieve for not thinking about this stuff all along. Im starting to feel alien to myself and environment I hope that doesn't mean Im losing it. Between Solipsism, simulation, and time I would say those are three things eating at me the most.
    Last edited by jeffjones; 24-02-18 at 22:06.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Existential anxiety is making me fearful of my health

    Whatever you do, stay away from Emil Cioran ..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Existential anxiety is making me fearful of my health

    Have you read the threads on the OCD board about this? Other than the DP/DP board it's rarely posted anywhere else.

    If you see what those who've been through this theme say you will find analysing it really just sucks you further in. Nothing can be proved either way so it clashes with All-or-nothing thinking and learning to accept thoughts will help you much more.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

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