I had been taking daily anti-depressants (Cipralex) and tranquilizers (Diazepam) for 25+ years.

A year and a half ago I had to have a heart bypass... Foolishly or not I decided to stop taking them. Just woke up and along with drinking and smoking stopped the lot. Aghhhhhhhhhhh

Phsycologically I have coped really very well with no real problems. However the past few weeks I have been feeling depressed and the Doctor advised me to take the Cipralex again.
I wasn't that happy as I had done so well in coming off them but anyway I did as advised and had 10mg on the Mon and 10mg on the Tues.

That afternoon I started to feel uneasy, a little later I felt really nervous then completely scared and panicky. I couldn't even answer the phone. I sat there for 3 hours frightened stiff with my eyes closed and when it did ease off a little I went to bed.

I took no more tablets and 3 day later felt somewhat normal.

My question is: " Do you think that it was a reaction to the Cipralex or was the panic attack brought on by myself"?

I have suffered panic attacks many years ago but nothing on that scale and I was not thinking negatively about the tablets. I have had no attacks in the past year an a half since stopping the medications.

Was it a reaction to the medication?

Can cipralex cause that level of anxiety because it could certainly answer a lot of questions?

I really am in a dilemma as wether to start taking medications again as I think I did so well to come through it all. But I really am feeling depressed and not coping very well.

I am going to see my gp in a few days.

Kind regards