Hi Will,

The first few weeks of taking any new med can make your body do all sorts of odd things, and are not really a good reflection of how the med will treat you long term. As the gut/serotonin relationship is a complex one, any medication that affects this chemical can do odd things to your stomach from time to time.

However, I have not had any repeat of the stomach pain so far, and think it is unlikely it was the med. However, I have now gone up to 30mg of Mirt so, if it was the med, I would expect to get pain again. If not, then it was not the med.

Mirt is one of the better tolerated meds, with easier side effects to deal with than the others, but like all of these meds will take a good few weeks to really help with things like anxiety and depression.

Give it some time, and try and relax (hard I know!)

Good luck