READING THIS THREAD JUST LEAVES ME FEELING TIRED, USELESS AND LIKE MY WHOLE BLOODY LIFE IS ENGOLFED BY ANXIETY. I have believed all these years that i am working towards normality but this thread makes me realise how far away i am. i have had these problems with my husband for ages and although it comes and goes thinking about it, its the same anxious patterns as my GA. I am at a down point cos i have just decided to move out and leave my husband and my kids until i can sort out my head, i am scared but know i have to do it - i love them all so much but i feel like im climbing a mountain again. i keep telling him that he is part to blame for our communication problem but i think its actually all me cos of the anxiety now. hes a great da and husband but unless everythings exactly perfect i feel like i cant relax with him. think im just a nutter and would probably be better off out of it, at least for a while to .. well i just dont know!