I've been highly stressed lately and done a lot of waking up with the bed vibrating or with my whole body shaking.

Sometimes the vibration thing happens all over my body. Sometimes it will only be in one of my legs. The adrenalin rush idea makes sense as a cause when it happens all over my body but not so much when it is only in one of my legs.

For those of you who experience this, do you have whole body vibrating, partial, or both?

I have my annual physical next Thursday. I don't know whether I want to bring this up to my doctor or not. I'm so tired to medical tests. I have a place where I track my symptoms and I've experienced these symptoms for over a year now, maybe longer. (I erased some earlier portions of my symptom log.) I just tend to worry a little tiny bit about things, even when they've gone on over a year

Also, have you thought of hypnopompic hallucinations as a possibility? I wake up sometimes and see strange things like polka dots all over my room. One type of hallucination like this is sleep paralysis. Here's what it says on wikipedia:

"People [with sleep paralysis] have sensations of being dragged out of bed or of flying, numbness, and feelings of electric tingles or vibrations running through their body."

I'd appreciate any comments.

Hope you're doing well.
~ Debbie