I'm sorry to hear about your concerns regarding the results of your metabolic panel and CBC tests. It's important to keep in mind that laboratory values should always be interpreted in the context of your overall health and medical history.

Regarding your low creatinine level, it's possible that this could be related to muscle wasting or weakness, but it's also possible that it could be due to other factors such as a low protein diet or certain medications. If you have chronic neck pain, it's possible that this could be contributing to muscle wasting or weakness in your neck muscles. However, it's important to have a doctor evaluate your symptoms and medical history to determine the underlying cause of your low creatinine level.

In terms of whether your creatinine level will go back up again, it's difficult to say without more information about your specific situation. In general, laboratory values can fluctuate over time and may be affected by various factors such as diet, hydration status, and medications. However, it's important to follow up with your healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause of your low creatinine level and any necessary treatment or monitoring.

It's understandable to feel worried and anxious about your test results, but try to avoid making any assumptions or conclusions without first consulting with your healthcare provider. They can provide more information and guidance specific to your situation.