I don't know if it's hot where you are, but that can be a trigger. Stress can as well - my migraines are usually caused by tension so when I'm stressed they for sure get worse.

I understand your fear though. When I went to the ER with my one migraine I thought I was having a stroke. It was the first time I'd had an aura and had a blind spot from a migraine, and I was also having a lot of trouble forming sentences. The ER doctors were very certain it was "just" a migraine and I had an MRI afterward and a visit with a neurologist and that was the finding as well. And, oddly enough, that was about eight years ago and I haven't had one that bad since, nor have I had aura or blindness with my migraines since either (knock on wood!). So they can definitely be very weird.

I hope you are able to get your meds figured out and put these awful things behind you! Or at least get them better managed.