Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
Hi Ian, I usually have Venilac, venisir or effexor brand but these are dexcel pharma.
Dexcel Pharma is an Israeli pharmaceutical company with a good reputation so I doubt there is a problem with the med per se, but people can react differently to generics from different companies.

They discovered my blood pressure was really high a few months ago so they have me on meds for them that aren't working.
Has there been a recent change in the meds you're taking to reign in your BP? If so the new meds could be affecting how venlafaxine is metabolized.

My psych suggested moving ne to prozac if my anxiety flared again.
You're still on a low venlafaxine dose. It typically doesn't inhibit noradrenaline, aka norepinephrine, transporters at doses under 225mg, and even then it does so only weakly (although classified as a SNRI it is really only a SSRI). The recommended maximum dose is 375mg/day.