Hello Everyone,
I’m new to this forum so I hope it’s still very active as I am a fellow HA sufferer. I had a routine colonoscopy at 45 due to my dad’s side of the family along with my dad having polyps. No cancer thank god!
I did the prep and I was pooping yellow clear liquid. The liquid was yellow but you can see through it. When I searched online they said that’s what you are supposed to see when you are ready for the colonoscopy.
Fast forward, I had the colonoscopy. My GI knows of my family history of polyps. When I came to, he gave me a two thumbs up and said all good and that he found one very tiny polyp which he believes may be a skin tag and has zero concerns. He told me to have a repeat colonoscopy in 5 years. When I went home I read the report which was on my online profile. He wrote in there that I had a fair prep and that the suction mucosa was completed with difficulty. I then started to panic that what if he missed something and why would he tell me to come back in 5 years if he wasn’t able to see clearly? I asked my cousin who is a doctor and she said if he couldn’t see clearly he would have had me come in after a few months and wouldn’t have me wait 5 years.
I read online that those with fair prep can have small polyps missed. Now My anxiety is high because I honestly don’t want to repeat the test soon. Colonoscopies have their own risks and repeating them like candy isn’t what I want. I emailed my GI to ask about this but he may take a whole to get back to me and I’m very anxious already.
A general surgeon also confirmed that if he wasn’t able to see clearly then he wouldn’t have recommended to come back in 5 years. I have no issues repeating in 5 years but I’m worrying what if he missed something bc he withdrew the camera with difficulty and what if he missed polyps. I know they clean and suction out so logic tells me that he made it clean enough to make a confident assessment. Why would a GI put his name on the line?

My HA is high so all kinds of things run through my mind. Then I think if he missed small polyps, In 5 years time would they get that big to turn to cancer? Im just want some reassurance so that I can take his 5 year protocol and leave it alone instead of dwelling on it. I don’t want to do another one sooner either. Please help talk me down.