Thanks for all the links. I had a quick look but definitely need to have more time to understand them properly.

Yeah it's definitely only psychologically that I needed to take in the morning, I just think anyone who is prone to insomnia is better off taking in the morning whenever possible or they're going to be up all night worrying about side effects.

I've had to start the fluoxetine straight on to 20mg as they don't prescribe the 10mg to adults here. But so far it's not been so bad, nausea and bad physical anxiety symptoms but that could equally be nocebo effects and my overall anxiety level. This Dr at least did prescribe me some propranolol to help with the palpitations etc.

7 weeks seems so long away. With the longer half life I definitely need to get back running to speed up my recovery.
Too tired today though and only just finishing work so think it'll just be a walk today so glad to hear that's enough to make a difference.

I'll be glad to speak to the doctor about my physical health worries. Although I had it pointed out to me yesterday that quite a few people had a lot of hair loss in the months after having covid so that is a possible cause for me as just before I got covid for the first time. The weight loss could be stress I guess. And they already said they think the irregular bleeding is perimenopause, they did ask me to go back if I had more changes like spotting which I have now had so I do need to check. But hopefully I'm physically fine...

Thanks for your support.