Hey guys. Part of me knows I’m being over the top, and the other part just wants someone to talk me down still.

My husband and I recently adopted a new puppy. He is 10 weeks old now and we’ve had him a week today.

We were under the impression that he was a puppy that a family’s pets had as a one time thing, but once we made the long drive it seemed more like a puppy mill which we didn’t necessarily like. He has been biting a lot. The first two days we had him he was kind of shy and wasn’t getting into a whole lot, but now he has been biting our hands / ankles / clothing quite a bit. I know that this is completely normal for puppies, we took him to training over the weekend and the trainer said there’s not too much that can be done about biting besides to try to give him toys/ put him in his crate for a few minutes if he bites too hard.

Last night he bit me hard enough to draw a little blood. It is a very small bite, but it did bleed. My husband started freaking out about rabies and asking if we should go to the hospital. We took the puppy to the vet this week and he got all of the shots he is old enough for, but he still has a couple weeks until he can get the rabies vaccine.

It is a very small cut, just a few drops of blood, but watching my husband freak out set off my anxiety. I am now petrified anytime the puppy goes to nibble on my hands. We are trying to teach him not to, but it’s not working too well. Another thing is his leash, whenever we take him out he bites the leash and growls and shakes his head. Online it said puppies growl when playing, but to my anxious mind it is just getting me more upset and worried about having rabies now.

I started looking up symptoms of rabies, and of course am now wondering if I have a headache, or pain in the area. My mind will start creating symptoms.

Anyone else gone through this fear?