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Thread: Some of AI's poetry

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Some of AI's poetry

    Quote Originally Posted by Pain View Post
    Don’t Panic!

    In shrieking bulletins, where words are lies,
    There lurks the false and fooling guise,
    Of moral panic, its cold grip tightened,
    A summoned spectre to keep us frightened

    With trembling heart and troubled mind,
    We all fall prey, forever blind,
    To those tales of baseless fear,
    Because it’s what we want to hear.

    For logic bends and reason sways,
    When panic's hand with mischief plays,
    A cacophony of chaos, shocking, loud,
    Drowns the voice of truth unbowed.

    And in its wake it leaves us foul,
    Disturbed peace and angry soul
    Whence trust is lost and sense departs,
    Leaving nothing but doubt in hearts.

    For moral panic, born of naught,
    Wields power without a caring thought,
    Condemning lives by society’s trial,
    In its pursuit of senseless bile.

    Oh, blind and futile stupidity,
    You are the bane of sanity,
    For under your influence sense goes awry,
    And reason becomes madness, by and by.

    Can we command against this tide,
    Bearing the sword of truth at our side?
    With pinch of salt should we swallow,
    Invented horrors which ring hollow?

    Yes, let us strive to break the chains,
    Of all ignorance that still remains,
    And rise above this senseless fray,
    Embracing honesty, come what may.

    Did you write this one yourself Pain? It's very good.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Some of AI's poetry

    Probably AI Fishman, with apologies to Pain if that’s not correct.

    It’s really very good though. Do you think AI will untimely suffer from anxiety. I suppose it’s not beyond the realm of possibility. It also understands the role media plays. Give it a few years and AI will be in therapy.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  3. #23

    Re: Some of AI's poetry

    Fishy, Darksky....

    That’s the perplexing problem with AI stuff – poetry, prose, pictures, music... anything – it’s not immediately obvious. With Don’t Panic I fed the words ‘moral panic’, ‘futile’ and ‘stupidity’ into an AI poem generator and looked at what it came up with; which in this case was quite a lot of repetitious rubbish, poor rhyme, no sense of feeling or meaning and far too many Americanisms. So I took it apart word by word and rewrote it, leaving out one verse which was total gibberish. So... to be all pretentious, I’d say I refleshed the AI skeleton (pffft!) – it took (wasted) about an hour.

    Out of idle curiosity, I’ve put in lines of well-known poetry and found that it generates chunks of the original poem but mostly out of context; which gives you some idea of how AI works.

    As mentioned before: humans are becoming editors not creators of art (hence the even more pretentious pAIn tag).

  4. #24

    Re: Some of AI's poetry

    Of Grahlgriff, Cricklestock, Flegs and Vezgrrrr

    In a land of whimsical wonders,
    Where imagination dances and plays,
    Resides the tale of Grahlgriff, Cricklestock,
    And the Flegs with Vezgrrrr's blaze.

    Free as the wind, they roam the hills,
    Grahlgriff, a mischievous sprite,
    With hair like flames, and eyes so bright,
    He strums his guitar, bringing joy to the night.

    Cricklestock, a jester with heart so kind,
    His laughter echoes through the trees,
    He juggles dreams with remarkable ease,
    Bringing smiles to all who he sees.

    And the Flegs, oh, the Flegs so rare,
    With feathers vibrant, colors ablaze,
    Their wings carry them through skies untamed,
    Spreading beauty in their rhythmic haze.

    Vezgrrrr, the fire that burns within,
    Ignites their souls, sets them free,
    Together they create melodies,
    That resonate with eternal glee.

    They wander through meadows, fields, and streams,
    In harmony with nature's song,
    Their spirits soar, they belong,
    To this enchanting realm where they belong.

    Grahlgriff strums, Cricklestock jests,
    Flegs take flight, Vezgrrrr roars,
    A symphony of friendship, forevermore,
    They weave a tapestry that forever endures.

    So, let us join this merry band,
    Embrace the magic that they bring,
    Let their wild spirits dance and sing,
    And let our hearts take flight on their wings.

    For in the world of Grahlgriff, Cricklestock,
    And the Flegs with Vezgrrrr's fire,
    We find solace, we find desire,
    To live with passion and never tire.

    Not quite Jabberwocky, but Grahlgriff strumming, Cricklestock jesting, Flegs flying and the burning, roaring Vezgrrrr seemingly makes more sense than ‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves.... In fact, doesn’t it make you want to 'join this merry band'?

    Talk about an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of typewriters creating the complete works of Shakespeare – that’s AI for you!

  5. #25

    Re: Some of AI's poetry

    Leading The Herd

    Bullish Galloway,

    So loud and
    So clear

    Harbingers danger,

    For a dismayed
    Sir Keir

    With charisma and passion,

    He rallies the

    Leaving the Labour leader,

    Diminished and

  6. #26

    Re: Some of AI's poetry

    The True Meaning Of Easter

    In praise of the long-forgotten goddess Eostre,
    Whose name whispers through the winds of old,
    Her presence woven in the fabric of time,
    In the blooming petals, a beauty to unfold.

    She dances in the first light of Spring,
    Awakening Earth from its slumber deep,
    Her touch a gentle caress, a sacred offering,
    A promise of renewal, a promise to keep.

    The goddess Eostre, forgotten by many,
    But her spirit lives on in the changing season,
    In the song of birds, in the budding tree,
    In the pulse of life, for all living reason.

    So let us honour her, this goddess of old,
    In each flower's bloom, in a story retold.

  7. #27

    Re: Some of AI's poetry

    Joking Apart

    In the playful dance of April's jest,
    Fooling takes centre stage,
    A morning of tricks and pranks attest,
    To folks inability to act their age.

    But beware sly slight and daring deceit,
    Which lurk behind that smirking face,
    For in the mocking of laughter's bleat,
    Lies the danger of being a disgrace.

    The line ‘twixt joke and attack is thin,
    As words can wound and patience break,
    So jest be careful as you grin,
    Lest your lampooning be a foolish mistake.

    April foolery is a fickle game,
    Where truth and lies are
    oft confused,
    But remember in jape’s jolly name,
    The butt of the joke is
    but oft abused.

    So let the laughter ring true and clear,
    Yet without being trite or intending spite,
    For in this foolishness of a tradition held dear,
    Some deception is funny as a pile of ....

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