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Thread: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Yeah, I'm being sent for an MRI as well. My GP thinks it could be anxiety, but she wants to rule out anything physical first. She wanted me to get bloods done and if that all came back fine she would send me for a brain MRI (my boods were fine) so I'm trying to get an appointment for that. If that comes back fine, she will send me to an ENT.

    It's interesting, I went away this weekend and had a great time. But socializing is also always really a stressor for me. For the past 3 days I've had the vertigo from morning til evening. I do feel very tense in my body. But there is just seemingly nothing I can do calm my body down or stop the vertigo it seems

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Sparkling_Fairy Very similar to mine, and I was out getting the shopping today and it’s been non stop since this morning, very distressing. She also mentioned something about an inner ear thing, because I told her about the pressure I feel at the sides of my ears or temples. She said like debris or crystals or something. Yeah, I had intensive bloods done at the hospital back at the end of January, all were fine too, I’d also had a 24 hour heart monitor which was also normal. So, waiting for the MRI, and then my doctor also suggested the ENT after that. She thinks it’s anxiety related too, but like you too she wants to rule out anything else. Which I guess is a good thing that our doctors listen to us and know that we suffer with anxiety too but also have real physical symptoms that worry and scare us and take it seriously.

    I will post here when I get my appointment and follow up on everything so I can keep anyone following the thread up to date, just if they want to. It’s good you had a good weekend, and that sounds reassuring as well, but it is a awful when it seems to last all day.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    This is the MRI club! I had an MRI this week. I'll let you know the outcome. Also had extensive bloods done and all fine.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @jayke Yep lol! We’re all getting one. It is good that your bloods were all good, that is a positive, and keep us updated on how you get on whenever you get your MRI too.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    I’ve had so many dizzy spells today, wasn’t stressed or anxious just felt them, with a pressure at the sides of my temples and behind my eyes. Was really tiring, sometimes it makes me want to cry it’s so frustrating. My PVCs are back again too, not often but I’m use to them now. Just the dizziness and pressure making it hard to redirect my focus onto normal stuff.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Update: Still having the dizziness, it seems to be worse when I’m standing, definitely feels unbalanced. I can feel strain behind my eyes, not sure if it’s my eyes trying to focus or something but yeah, on and off throughout the day. Seems to get worse when I’m actually at home than it is when I’m walking outside. Weird. I’ve not even been panicky or stressed and I’m getting them. But now I’m start to think theirs something seriously wrong, not going to lie, stuff like cancers and tumours have crossed my mind too. No word yet on when I’m getting my MRI scan so just have to wait for that. The doctor left me a prescription for like travel sickness or something, so I could collect that tomorrow and she said to take it when I feel one of them or have a bad one but she said they make you drowsy.

    I’m exhausted with it everyday for over a month. Im okay for a short while after waking up but then it starts and doesn’t stop until later that night, so all day these episodes come and go.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    The not feeling stressed or anxious thing isn't really valid.
    This reminds me of my symptom where I would hyperventilate every day for 2,5 years. I would have it from morning until evening. And I also often didn't feel anxious so I didn't understand why it happened. I would look for physical reasons, I would try stretching to relax my stomach muscles, I went to a chiropractor to help relax my diaphragm, I would eat really small portions. I would do anything to physically ease the tension in my diaphragm, and nothing helped. In the end what helped, is me accepting it was anxiety and being too damn tired to care about it anymore, and it went away after another couple of weeks and have rarely had it in the last 2 years.
    I think this is honestly the same. I don't always feel anxious when I get it. But I know that I have chronic stress, as I think most of us do, and that sometimes causes our nervous system to misfire. And right now, it's giving us vertigo.

    Though interesting you mention the eyes. When I originally got mine, I thought it came from eye strain because I got really tired and sore eyes with it. Now I still get the vertigo and my eye strain is a lot better, but I definitely get tired eyes with it. For sure get all your tests, I will too, but I am pretty sure they'll all be fine and then the only thing you can do is accept it's anxiety and stop paying it any attention

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Sparkling_Fairy Hi, you’re probably right, honestly. I just think if I don’t feel anxious or stressed in an obvious way then it has to be something else ya know? I keep thinking how much I’ve been through in the past 9 months, from having my heartbroken by someone I fell for, then got Covid, then my cat died, then I got a chest infection, then several episodes with my PVCs in the hospital, because of those things and anxiety. Then end of January lost my 19 years dog, then I got sick again, strep throat or some other throat infection. Then I had a ton wrong with my car and that cost me taking a small loan out just to cover it.

    Sometimes I’m okay and then like I just stepped on a ball, I feel wobbly, but I’m not moving or losing balance, just my head feels clouded and dizzy. Sometimes it lasts minutes, others it can go on for a long time. Being out in the fresh air makes it feel okay, but yeah, possibly subconsciously my mind is in overdrive and I obsess about the feeling and prolong symptoms too. That’s when I get really scared and panic.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    OMG, you've been through a lot! I had a bunch of similar stuff happen back in 2015 when my anxiety first started. But I didn't know what it was, or how it felt. I woke up one day with my muscles twitching, all over my body, all day long! Acid reflux, heart palpitations. No idea what it was! It took months of being terrified before I finally went to my GP and she said: yeah, that's anxiety.
    So I also didn't feel anxious up front, but so many stressful events cause my nervous system to misfire and it was making me into a twitcher! So honestly, with everything that's happened to you I'm not surprised you're having this. It takes a long time for your nervous system to calm down, it's not instant when you calm yourself. The first time I got over anxiety I stopped feeling anxious about 7 months before my physical symptoms disappeared because my nervous system needed a lot longer! So expect it to be overwhelmed, even if you are not feeling it mentally.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Sparkling_Fairy Yeah, you really do forget about all you’ve gone through and redirect it, probably causing more problems doing that. Hopefully things will get sorted, see when I get this MRI too, and try get my nervous system to slow down and not obsess as much as I do. I never thought of being overwhelmed but you’re probably right too. It really can be exhausting just having anxiety to regardless of other stuff too. Hope you’re doing well though!

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