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Thread: Petecheia on toddler

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Petecheia on toddler

    Hi all,

    Looking for some advice and thoughts about this.
    We are first time parents to a 4 year old daughter . She has been getting petecheia on and off for 2 months mostly on the inside of her right arm. A month ago we went for CBC, APTT and other blood tests which came back normal. She gets about 5-10 at a time that fade. We are first time parents and worried. She seems fine, playful and happy. Does seem to get them when fighting off a cold or infection from daycare. Does this sound concerning? I am afraid of Leukemia but just looking for opinions? Would there be other symptoms present with Leukemia?

    There was a time when she got it on her back from a fall but 95% time it’s just on right arm.

    My rational brain is telling me that since it is mostly just on her arm it could be trauma maybe from sleeping on it the wrong way. We got blood work a month ago and it was all good… But my anxiety mind is telling me this is a sign of Leukemia.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Petecheia on toddler

    Hey, don't know much about this since I don't have kids but I didn't want you to go without a reply
    Leukemia is one of those cancers that would mostly show up in the blood. It's a blood cancer so if her bloodwork came back clear, she doesn't have leukemia.
    I also think in that case it wouldn't be contained to one arm, but would show up all over her body.

    I can't say what it could be. But if doctors aren't concerned, I wouldn't be either.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Petecheia on toddler

    Is it where clothes are creasing rubbing? This is what happened to my daughter & it was friction from her clothes creasing while she was at her desk at school. I took her to the dr and they suggested it could be allergy related.

    If you’ve had her tested for this exact same thing that she’s repeatedly getting then it’s unlikely to be what you’re worrying about, do check environmental factors before going back to your dr.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Petecheia on toddler

    Quote Originally Posted by Scass View Post
    Is it where clothes are creasing rubbing? This is what happened to my daughter & it was friction from her clothes creasing while she was at her desk at school. I took her to the dr and they suggested it could be allergy related.

    If you’ve had her tested for this exact same thing that she’s repeatedly getting then it’s unlikely to be what you’re worrying about, do check environmental factors before going back to your dr.
    Can you explain that a bit more. Did your daughter have lots of spots or just a few? Did they go away eventually? What did you do? This is a possibility for sure. It is just mostly on one arm and possibly around that area.

    You mean like where the stitching is on the sleeve? She is in daycare and sleeps on her arm so it could possibly be related.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Petecheia on toddler

    Does it matter how many?

    You said your daughter had a few. My daughter had done on her arms and some on her chest. I didn’t count them.

    I’m not getting involved in a child’s care, I’m just telling you something that happened to us. If you are concerned your instinct is important and you should see your doctor.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Petecheia on toddler

    I understand HA about your child, I really do! It is the worst…
    But in your case you can put leukemia worry to rest. Petechiae appears for 2 months, as you say, and blood count was ok a month go. It absolutely excludes leukemia! In leukemia or some other blood disorders petechiae appear spontaneously because of low platelet count. Normal platelet count means that their reason is different, not a blood disorder/cancer.
    You can get petechiae on th3 face from coughing or vomiting, you can get them from scratching. The fact that your daughter gets them on only one exac5 body part makes me think “scratching”. Perhaps a certain piece of clothing irritates her?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Petecheia on toddler

    For me, one of the best weapons against HA is logic and persuading myself logically that my anxious thinking is irrational. Sometimes it takes me 3-4 days to persuade myself, but still I succeed.
    Logic can help you in this case - just think about petechiae and normal blood count timing. Keep repeating to yourself that logic makes leukemia impossible in this case :-)

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