My dad died this afternoon, not even sure why I have come to post about it? Maybe because I am confused, numb, I haven't even cried yet and I don't know why.

He went to hospital just over a week ago, they said he had heart failure, they put on meds, he was getting better, the water retention was coming off, his breathing got back to normal. Saw him this morning and he was the best I saw him. This afternoon they are telling us he had a heart attack. Doesn't make sense.

Every doctor we were saw said he could live a normal life, he was getting better, not one doctor said anything about potentially dying, how did they miss it? Maybe I am just in shock but why did no one ever mention he could die, especially when he was getting better?

I have lost grandparents, but they their deaths were expected due to old age, I have never lost someone so close like my dad and especially when we were making plans for him to come home to live a normal life. How has this happened? How do I deal with this? Right now, I feel empty, I do not really feel anything.