Hello everyone, first time poster here. I feel so lucky (for once) to have found a place where I don’t feel so alone or “crazy”.

Long time HA sufferer. So far I have had a brain tumour, skin cancer, a terminal heart problem, cervical cancer and now ovarian cancer. To say I am drained is an understatement.

I’m 30, 3 children and for the last 2 weeks I have had frequent urination and constant period like pains. Also had a slight pink tinge when wiping after sex two or 3 times. Of course my brain goes straight to C and I run to Google to further convince myself this is the case.

I saw my doctor yesterday and she tested my urine for a UTI - all clear. She also performed a pelvic examine to check my cervix and said it looked fine. She has ordered CA125 and celiac bloods to be taken and also referred for a scan on my kidneys and ovaries as I have also had some right sided back pain on and off.

Totally freaking out and thinking the worst, of course. I hate living like this. I hate always having something to worry and obsess about. I just want to be “normal” and healthy. I won’t be able to relax until I have been given the all clear and as she wasn’t too worried, it could be weeks so instead I find myself online all day, everyday reading stories from other people experiencing the same problems to try and ease my anxiety.

No bloating or feeling full etc. Grandma died at 58 from ovarian cancer and my aunt also had breast cancer which just further heightens my anxiety.

I am so tired of this.