It's 3 am in the early hours of the 1st of oct 2008. I'm exhausted and decide to head for bed. I put all the lights off and enter my bedroom and then it hits me, that overwhelming childhood fear, there's something under the bed and it's going to reach out and grab me.
I panic and jump up onto the bottom of the bed, have to get my feet off the floor can't let IT grab me. I'm in that much of a panic I can't put my mobile on the floor beside my bed incase a hand reaches out from the darkness. I can't pull the duvet round me to protect me quick enough, the boyfriend's muffled " FFS what are you doing?" don't quite qualify as the comforting words I need to hear. I hand the bf his mobile, my mobile and say I have set the alarms. He sleepily starts to set the alram on his. " For goodness sake's babes, what ya setting the alarm for? I already told you I set it."
Welcome back to adulthood.

Pooh x