not sure where this is best posted so i've put it under two categories, hope thats ok.

I don't know what to do anymore, last year my anxiety was pushed over the edge, in short-i went out for a walk, i could hear raised voices to the distance, i didn't think anything of it, for several reasons, 1, i was minding my own business so why would anyone bother me, and 2, i was literally two minutes away from my house. I was wrong, someone (maybe on drugs i don't know) appeared and came racing at me, shouting and screaming with a lump of wood/metal, i ran and he carried on chasing me, shouting at me, i got home without him touching me,

Things went rapidly downhill. if you can't feel safe so close to your own house where can you feel safe? i pretty much stopped going out because whenever i did i felt so anxious, constantly looking around me, loud voices, however far in the distance and i'd start panicking, loud noises, bangs sirens etc panicked me.

Now, nearly a year later i've started going out again. Whenever i hear raised voices now (wherever i'm in the house or out) i start panicking and shaking uncontrollably, i hate busy places because of the noise.
I know that what happened has affected me hugely, even just thinking about what happened that day and even just writing this now my head starts to spin, i shake, my breathing becomes rapid, but its with me all the time, everytime i hear raised voices or footsteps quickening, i panic and it brings it all back.
I don't know what to do, i want to forget what happened but i can't, i've considered going to the doctors but not sure what they'd be able to do, i really don't want any sort of medication, would counselling be the way to go? or maybe something else?
I'd really like any views or suggestions.