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Thread: A bit worried :((

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    A bit worried :((

    I don't to be gross and go into details but tonight I have had really bad diarrhea and there was A LOT of blood in it, which was bright red so I'm a little worried. I do suffer from IBS but I know this isn't a common symptom. I have had a lot of stomach aches the past few weeks and random bouts of bad diarrhea but I haven't been sick. I'm just worried because I have never seen so much blood in my toilet (other than at the obvious time..and no thats not what it is lol)

    I'm just sat here panicing now and waiting for NHS direct to ring me back
    ~The only thing constant in the world is change~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: A bit worried :((

    It could be something as simple as piles/haemorroids which can be internal or external but aren't serious. There are other possibilities but it's not worth worrying about until you know for sure!!

    I would go see your gp tomorrow to get checked out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: A bit worried :((

    hi cher hun, please dont worry u know it could be piles as that is so commom and esp if u had diarreah it can set them off and they can bleed loads.

    hugs to u and if u still worried in morn pop along to docs and it will put your mind at rest matey xxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Sorry you are not feeling very well Cherbear

    I hope NHS Direct ring you back soon and are able to reassure you. I would recommend seeing your doctor to get yourself checked out for reassurance.

    I've got IBS too and although I don't have any medical knowledge a doctor once told me that bright red blood is usually a good sign, ie that it's less likely to be something serious. In my case the constant diarrhoea caused a fissure and that was the cause of the bleeding, but piles can be another cause.

    Thinking of you and hope you are ok

    Karen xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: A bit worried :((

    ive had this its awful i suffer with ibs ur rite its not a common symptom i didnt ave the skwitts (diarrhea) lol.....i was constapated and i had a sllight anal tear my bottom would bleed without opening my bowls i had to take a laxative and go back to my gp if it didnt pass within 5 days which it did thankfully i no how worried u are rite now let us no what the nhs direct say feel free to pm me if u want any more advice
    take care caz xxx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: A bit worried :((

    Thanks for all the advice guys, I didn't mean to worry anybody. I talked to someone at NHS direct, she didn't seem to be very worried but said I should go to the doctor tomorrow as there was a lot of blood and I have not had it before. I'm sure it's nothing major but it just scared me a lot I have a lot of constipation so I know that could be a factor. I am off to the docs tomorrow to be sure.

    My, now everyone on nopanic knows my toilet habits hehe I'm sorry

    Thanks again everyone, I'll update on my docs visit xx
    ~The only thing constant in the world is change~

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: A bit worried :((

    I couldn't get an appointment today (stupid way my surgery is run, it gets fully booked within 10 mins!!) but I called in about a sample I took in a week ago and they said everything was fine so that has set my mind at ease a bit. Still worrying a bit though! xx
    ~The only thing constant in the world is change~

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