Hi all,

My first post here, and with that i would like to say that this site has been very informative and i have read quite a bit about anxiety.

Although I feel a little reluctant about posting what I am about to as it would appear that there are many of you that are suffering a lot worse than what i am, never the less i need help to try and understand my anxiety, and hopefully try and control it.

Where to start, well, the urge to urinate is where it starts and where it ends with me. Its the bane of my life. Ive read a lot on here about it and although I already knew that it was almost certainly anxiety that causes it, I am now even more sure from what I have read here.

I had the tests done for infections but they where negative. If it where an infection I would get pains while trying to pass water and I would have problems sleeping if it where an infection. So that has been ruled out.

I know that its anxiety that causes this and need to know how to stop it.

For me it started around 9 years ago, since then its been off and on. The trigger when it first started was the fact that I was about to change my career into IT, I had to go on a course for 2 weeks. About half way through the 2 week course the urge to urinate dissapeared. Why? I have no idea.

Since then it would be other things that would trigger it. One time it was the death of my grandfather and another a change of job.

Most recently (December) was when me and my family went on holiday to lapland. Now i thought i would get anxiety (or the urge to urinate) from thinking about the journey there, but it didnt occur, which was a real surprise to me. Great I thought, I can enjoy myself for once. However the second day into the holiday it hit me, and it hit me bad, I had the constant urge to urinate, I would get relief for about 10 mins after going to the toilet and then it would come back again. It really ruined the holiday for me and my family as when this hits me it makes me feel depressed as I cant stop trying to work out why it happens. It stops me from wanting to do anything, i feel as though I cant go anywhere. Going on holiday should be a fun time, so why did it hit me then? I was enjoying myself in the snow and watching my 4 year old son having a great time. So why did it have to come back during the holiday?

About a year ago I went to see my doctor as i was feelign very low, almost suicidal, I was put on a course of citalopram. The side effects for the first week or so where unpleasant but the doctor assured me they would pass and that they would help me, which they did, they seemed to take the edge off things. After a few months of taking them I felt a lot better, so I stopped taking them instantly, I know I shouldnt have done that but i didnt seem to have a problem coming off them.

I have since returned to the doctors as I have been feeling low again because of this anxiety (urinating issue). Again they have given me citalopram, but I have not started to take them as all they do is surpress the depression and anxiety. They are not treating the cause, but the symptom.

I want to find a way of beating this anxiety without the need for medication. I very rarely take medicine, I much prefer natural remidies such as homeopathy and I have used bach flower remidies in the past. But self prescribing these can be quite difficult to get right.

This anxiety is like a switch, off and on, for weeks or months i could be free from it, then all of a sudden its back. Sometimes for no apparent reason, there sometimes does not appear to be a valid reason (trigger) for it to re-occur.

When I was free from it one time the thought that i had not suffered from it for a while came into my mind, and sure enough, just like a switch it was back again. Maybe i am my own wort enemy for thinking about it. But how do you stop yourself from thinking about certian things?

Another problem which i think is anxiety related is sweating, its not so bad at the moment but in the past i used to sweat a great deal from under my right arm pit, if it was both arm pits then i would put it down to just the way my body works, but as its one sided it makes me feel sure that this is also anxiety related. But this is no where near as much as a problem for me as the urge to urinate as using good anti-perspirant helps with this.

I am at a loss with this thing, its having a negative effect on my relationship with my partner, she does not really understand how i feel and i find it very hard to try and explain to her how i am feeling.

I now know that its not just me who suffers with this urge to urinate thing after finding this site. so please, if you can help me in anyway then please do.

Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading.

