Hi I'm new to the forums. I'm going to the doctors for the first time tomorrow about my panic attacks.

I was fired last year from a job I had for 4 months as I was taking panic attacks to the point I had to leave the warehouse floor and get to a door asap and sit down or leave work as I would get myself in a real state. Not showing up at times as I could not handle it.

I went into that job knowing for the last 2 years I barely left my home as I would panic on the bus or worry about going to the shop. I cant even use the phone. It's now 3 years that I can barely leave my house.

More info here: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthr...557#post472557

To the point:

Since being fired I've been on job seekers. They send me to interviews I cant even bare going to. Right now they want to send me to some courses and I'm petrified. I maybe go out once in two weeks and that's to my job signing in fear if I don't show up I'll have no money to live on.

Even when they send me on job interviews I cant build myself up to go show up and it gets me in trouble when really they don't understand I just cant do it! :(

What do I do? Can I claim for something? Would they understand if I told them?

Right now i'm worried on the course they are trying to send me on. I cant even go to the show never mind this.

Ughh I cant really express how I feel by typing.