Recently I've been feeling tired and like I want to be sick all the time (am off to the Dr's in 3 weeks about it, earliest appointment they had).

I've also for months now been getting only what I can describe as a weak feeling. My whole body will feel like jelly and my head will go very spaced out and I will feel really shaky (even though I don't look it). I feel like I am going to pass out any minute when I get it. I make myself eat something incase it's that (as Dr said my blood sugar was slightly low on a blood test I had last year) but I don't usually feel any better for it.

When I get the attacks I don't feel anxious, they just come on out of nowhere and I am getting them quite a few times a week now. I make sure I drink plenty (in fact I am drinking loads as so thirsty all the time lol) so know I am no dehydrated. Also changed to healthier eating recently and that hasn't made a difference. I've no idea what it is but I'm scared of going out incase the attack happens. Have a Take That concert to go to next month and will be out of the house about 10 hours so am really scared of it happening at the concert and people just think I'm an over excited fan lol