Hi there,

I can sympathise with how you are feeling right now.
In my opinion it sounds like you have recognised the onset of potential anxiety caused by the stress of work.

I went through the same situation a few years ago but failed to recognise the signs and hence my anxiety was effectively un-diagnosed for about two and a half years. This has given it the chance to really get into my system and thought patterns and only now am I beginning to get on top of it.

If you are indeed suffering from an onset of anxiety, you have already discovered one of the things that will help ........ relaxation.

Relaxation is absolutely necessary to give the mind a rest. Sleeping well at night is essential, but you also need to mentally wind down outside of your normal sleeping pattern.

Try to experiment with some 'downtime' for your mind.
I found it very useful to set aside 30 mins every evening to just go and lie on the bed and relax as completely as I could. There are many relaxation CD's available that will help you unwind. Do not be afraid to be skeptical about the benefits of relaxation ! I was, but once you really give it a go, the results are almost instantaneously beneficial !

Also remember that although it can be very scary, anxiety and panic are 'normal'. There are generally no underlying health issues, mental or physical, in anxiety sufferers. It is simply the minds way of telling you to slow down a little. Give your body chance to relax

Take care,