
I bought some Inositol 1000mg capsules from Holland & Barratt on Saturday and started taking them immediately. So far I have had 3 on Saturday, 4 on Sunday and 4 today. Swallowing them isn't too great as they are enormous. Hopefully will move to powder if it is effective.

The only thing that I have noticed so far is the complete lack of mind chatter when trying to get to sleep which is very strange but a good thing.

My only concern is that the bottle label states not to take more than 2 tablets per day.

I was initially worried about side effects but so far have had none. Should I increase to 6 tablets per day? What is the most effective dose for generalised anxiety disorder?

Ironically the thought of increasing my intake more is making me a little anxious.

I only heard of these last week when I was given a prescription for Citalopram by my GP and was totally put off by its side effects.