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Thread: panicing before its here.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    panicing before its here.

    hi all,

    i know i shouldnt be worrying about something so far away but i really not sure.

    well what im worrying about is the summer, when it comes and i feel all icky and hot. im scared of going to school in the heat incase someones ill..but then i think of good things like...where i feel fine in the past. i hate the long evening where we have the doors open and the suns going down and it takes ages to cool down and when it does its still hot. and when i get sunburnt, and i feel hot then...normally i put loads of suncream on so i dont get burnt that often. i kow its so far away and it will be over in no time like it normally is...its just when it is here i dont want to feel like i normally feel. id ask my mum to take my to a cold country for 6 weeks or something, but we cant afford it. and id hate to be away from home the long anyway, missing my cats and stuff. its just the heat and people being ill i dont like. Any Advice?

    hugs Rachel xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , USA.

    Do you know of anything recently that caused you to start thinking these thoughts? It seems that maybe something triggered them. Well if you can try not to worry about things so far away. Only concentrate on the things that need tending to right now this minute and only those things. Do try and calm down dear it seems that you are really working yourself up for no reason. Keep posting to let us know if you find any relief. Hope you are feeling better soon.


    Diana xxxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , .
    Come to Scotland, we don't get a summer! Actually, we're pretty lucky in the UK. I lived in South Carolina for a year and believe me, the heat and humidity there was suffocating. You literally could not bear the heat without air conditioning.
    Maybe it would be an idea for you think about and write down the things you like about an English summertime - watching your cats playing outside must be nice compared to them shivering in the wet and cold for starters.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I am the same in the summer. In 2002 I was so ill with the heat that we had to buy me an air-conditioning unit for the bedroom cos I was so hot all the time.

    I still am hot all the time - even in the winter - we fight over the heating - on, off, on, off

    When I lost some weight I was much better last year but there were still times that I had to go and sit in my car with the air-conditioning on to get cool.

    I get really hot and sweaty and yes panicky too. It is hard work to keep cool isn't it?

    At night (in the summer) I have a fan on permanently pointing at my face to cool me down.

    It is hard but I wouldn't let it panic you yet - it is months off and we may not have a nice summer anyway.

    Try to forget about it ok? When it comes then get the fan out and take lots of cool showers.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Rach

    Why don't you try to think of all the good things about summer rather than focusing on the negative. All the things you can do in the summer, people tend to be more cheerful in the summer, the sounds of the birds, there's lots of good things about it. The heat may make you uncomfortable, but it isn't dangerous and it is only you thinking that it is going to make you uncomfortable that will make it uncomfortable.

    I know your hoping for better advice than that but that is all I've got, It shouldn't matter though, summer usually only lasts about 3 days in this country!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    when it is summer, i dont really think about it but when it gets to summer evening thats when i feel wierd dont know why, it just takes ages to go away.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , USA.
    Oh, how I would love to live in Scotland! I am in New York, where the summers are hot and humid, and I can't take it. On hot, sunny days, I get sick very quickly. I get a headache, and then I get stomach pains. My mother was born in Scotland, and I think I'm not genetically meant to live here, lol.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I'm just the same too.
    I'm dreading the clocks going forward, because it means the nights are getting lighter and summer is on the way.

    I think because we have had nasty experiences in the summer, we are worried incase it happens again. Last summer I was so hot and ill, I couldn't face getting out of bed.

    So far the thought of being well enough to go to see a firework display in the autumn is keeping me going.

    Love, light and Best wishes
    Liz xxx

    [] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    its winter now...great time of the year to buy fans at discount prices...put one in every room...keep the bedroom cool,then you can use it as your <safe> place.

    just a thought...bryan.

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