I feel a bit of a fraud posting in the HA section as I don't really suffer with it but thought maybe someone would have some advice for me.

I have quite a few health conditions requiring meds, one of which is high blood pressure. I am a terrible patient in that if I feel ok I don't bother/forget to take the medication, yet I have no problems taking my asthma meds...I guess it's because if I don't take them I can't breathe and therefore can't function.

I have now got to the stage where I just can't face taking my meds for BP, literally. When I do take them, I feel like crap, spacey, lightheaded and generally awful. All I have to do is look at the tablets now and I start to feel ill.

I know my doctor wanted to increase my dose before when I was taking them so I can't discuss it with him..they are all pill happy at my surgery anyway. Trouble is, I think my BP may be too high, I'm getting all the symptoms of it, ongoing headache, blurred vision , breathlessness (not asthma) and even I am a bit worried..and I never worry about my health at all, the opposite is true.

Any tips, ideas on what to do? Please don't have a go at me about it, I already have family members giving me grief!