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Thread: prescribed valium for panic but panicking about taking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    prescribed valium for panic but panicking about taking

    Hi, does this sound familiar? I am on 15mg lexapro since Nov after a breakdown caused by panic/anxiety, now panic is back again and doc said I need to take diazepam 5mg 3x a day for 2 weeks to get my brain and body out of the panic mode or to give my brain a holiday! I am so panicked about getting addicted I have been scared to take them. Doc says I won't get addicted as I don't have addictive personality (am 40) and told me that lexapro is best for panic and I must take the valium for relief. Any experience of this or advice for me please?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: prescribed valium for panic but panicking about taking

    It doesnt make any difference if you have an addictive personality or not .Taken for a couple of weeks you will be ok .But they can become addictive if taken for as little as a month ..If this is the case you just have to cut down a little at a time until you no longer take them .Most drs wont perscribe them for longer than a couple of weeks .Some will give you a few to be taken as and when needed ,But they are highly addictive ...Hopefully the two weeks hes given you ,will give you the respite you need ,,as is often the case .T/c and I hope you feel better soon .Sue x

  3. #3
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: prescribed valium for panic but panicking about taking

    I agree, benzos can cause addiction regardless of your personality because of tolerance, but taken for a short period they can be very helpful to take you out of that panic zone. At least you have a good doctor that recognises your anxiety and is actively treating it rather than let it escalate.

    I've never been on Lexapro but hear it's good for anxiety and panic.

    Take care

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: prescribed valium for panic but panicking about taking

    Thanks for the advice, you hear so many scare stories about valium being so addicted, but as my doc said and you guys too, it is prescribed for a reason and it seems I definitely have a good reason.
    the Lexapro seems to take the edge off the terrible depression and was helping me, but it feels like my adrenal glands have started going into overdrive again. At least I don't feel neurotic on this site!

    thanks to all

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: prescribed valium for panic but panicking about taking

    Yeah Rooby - sounds like your GP has it covered and the Diazepam will help you to break the cycle. I wouldn't worry about taking them as prescribed. Diazepam has helped me in the past (and still does) I take either 2.5/5mg just when needed (not very often) Good luck.
    The Truth Points to Itself

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: prescribed valium for panic but panicking about taking

    OMG ROOBY !!!!!!!!!

    Hi there....dont worry, its fine.

    I was right there with you only two weeks ago, i hated the thought of Diazepam even tho it was prescribed to me to help with panic days. for five years i refused to take it for fear it would 'do unpleasant things to me' or get me addicted. But my family wanted to fly abroad for a holiday so i cried to my doc and asked for help.

    6mg of Diazepam got me on a plane.......i loved it. 4mg got me skiiing down a mountain at -20 miles from anywhere. and another 4mg got me on a coach and a plane home.

    Take it on a really bad day and watch it work did not make me feel anything other than "Normal" no panic, no anxiety. Its great.

    BUT......i have learned i have this magic help. I am strong and can resist taking it for trivial reasons. I havent taken any more since i have been home and i will only take them when i REALLY need them.
    Having them there, in a drawer, helps no end. I know i have an escape route now....a respite.

    Try will be fine. Honestly. I have a massive drug phobia but you have totrust ur doc.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: prescribed valium for panic but panicking about taking

    dont be scared but do be cautious, i had a breakdown and ended up at a n e was given 5mg of diazepam and left feeling normal.worked wonders, my problem was that i had no other meds in place so now i take it daily although i have not taken a 5 mg since i broke them in half and would take three halfs a day. dont be scared of them they work wonders and i have a pill phobia. i do though now have an addiction but in the sense that i only take between 2.5mg and 5mg daily to now make me feel normal, the advice i would give to you is to use it when you feel anxious and not take it regularly, and dont take it over the two week period unless it is occasional use. diazepam has been a wonder drug to me for 6 months now i would recomend it but just be sensible with it. x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: prescribed valium for panic but panicking about taking

    Hi I also have some valium which I keep in my handbag for severe panic attacks. So far this year none. Last year I took maybe three. They make me feel a bit lightheaded but it is not an unpleasant feeling. They do take the edge off the panic and you are right to be aware of the danger of addiction but try not to get obsessed about it and you'll do ok.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: prescribed valium for panic but panicking about taking

    Thank you all so much for the advice and reassurance! I will give them a try and hopefully chillax. Thanks to you all for support.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: prescribed valium for panic but panicking about taking

    How are you getting on with the valium? x
    Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom; I try not to worry about the future -- so I take each day just one anxiety attack at a time.

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