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Thread: chest tightness

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    chest tightness

    hi i had awfull time last night i was on the fone and i felt my chest tight i stood up and took a deep breath in and i had a awwfull pain round my ribs and in my chest and a terrible light headed feeling like my blood pressure lowering it only lasted a minute but then i felt my chest tight and pain and i rushed to hospital in the hospital i couldnt breathe properly and the chest tightness came in waves it was like someone had put there had on my heart and was squeezing it my chest muscles between my breasts felt as if they were crushing i started sweating terribley and my heart started to pound really fast.they did 4 ecgs blood tests for lungs and heart and chest x ray and in the end they said anxiety and muscular .i cant beleive a panic attack is that bad .ihave suffered anxiety for a long time but that was the terrified it comes on again keep getting pains and tightness they gave me some diazipan.has any 1 else been that bad.thank you for any help you can all offer marcia

    marcia lowe

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Chest tightness is very common with anxiety - I know people have thought they were have heart attacks because the symptoms are that severe - it really is amazing how bad it can make you feel.

    When my PA's first started 5 years ago - I had the emergency doctor out numerous times because I was convinced I was dying so you are not alone.

    The hospital have ruled out any other nasty causes of chest/breathing problems so your mind might start to relax and you have got the diazepam incase you start to feel that way again.

    Hopefully the worst is over now and you'll know it is nothing to worry about if it happens again.

    Take it easy

    Annie x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Marcia

    Just wanted to echo Annie’s comments – the first time I had a panic attack I got my friend to check my pulse and it was going so fast (plus I couldn’t breath and told her my left arm felt numb and my chest felt tight) that she rang 999 – and she wasn’t even the one having the attack! What I mean is the symptoms are so strong and so convincing that you don’t even need to be the person going through it to belive it must be really bad. But the fact is that I wasn’t having a heart attack, and although I’ve thought numerous times since ‘no, it’s different this time, I really must be dying’ I’m still here

    Hang in there honey, it will get easier…

    BB x

    Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Marcia,

    So sorry to hear you had such a bad panic attack. I can totally empathise with you. I am going through exactly the same situation but am a bit further on than you!

    I started getting the chest pains about 3 months ago now. Like you, I completely freaked out (I also suffer from ectopic heartbeats which make me panic at the best of times as well [Ugh]) but the chest pains have been awful. I have been checked out by a great cardiologist who confirmed the ectopics but said everything else is fine. Hard to believe when you have this dreadful pain on and off most days. I have also since been to see a Gastroenterologist who has found gastritis which he says can cause the bad chest pains. I'm afraid its the chicken and egg scenario though, pain breeds panic which in turn breeds more pain and so we go on in this terrible cycle.

    Like me, you really have to learn that anxiety can to TERRIBLE things to your body. It is very scary but it is something we can overcome. I have been put on Cipralex 10mgs - an antidepressant which is taking the edge of the anxiety but I still have chest pains but the gastro said it could last 6 months. When I am stressed they do get really bad and like you, I have something similar to diazepam to take when I feel a bad panic attack coming on.

    You honestly will get through this. It is very frightening but it cant kill you. Try and get your hands on some good books on how to cope with anxiety and learn some breathing techniques to slow the heart down. Breathe in through the nose for a count of 5 and out through pursed lips for a count of five, this should help when you are panicing (although I realise it is easier said than done!!).

    Try and take it easy if you can and remove as much stress from your life as possible. I am learning to live with this, albeit hard, but I know that it will eventually pass and normal life will resume.

    You will get great comfort from this site - there are some brilliant people here who have / are going through the same situation and you will get a lot of help.

    I am off on holiday tomorrow (dreading it! .... major panic about flying for 8 hours .... I must be mad!!) but hope when I get back that things have eased off for you.

    All the very best ... just remember, I am still alive and kicking and I've had dreadful chest pains for 3 months!

    Take care.
    April xxx

    Ignorance must be bliss!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    i am worried though because before this happened i had bad stomach flu and now worried the virus attacked my heart and this is why i had the attack .all heart tests were normal.but i still feel so afraid

    marcia lowe

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi again i had such a good day yesterday being positive and it was hard but managed it .Today though i can feel the panicky thoughts coming back about the attack i had in hospital it was so severe i keep thinking was it a panic attack ive never had one like it.all tests clear so why cant i just except that .its just the fear that it might come back that keeps the feelings coming .never had chest tightness and intense sweating like that out of blue before .anyway trying to get a grip on feelings again and turn them round to positive ones again.take care marcia xx

    marcia lowe

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Bleeding gums.... and heart disease...... there has to be a lot more involved in that one, and a lot more symptoms which you dont have marcia,bleeding gums can be an indication of several things,but most commonly like your dentist said through gum infection. I am not going into detail on the connection between your gums and heart as i dont think it will help you and i dont think that is what is wrong with you anyway, you have been examined by doctors and have had vital signs taken and ecg etc,try and believe it is anxiety,and let it go, if you havnt already read any of claire weekes books it might be a good idea to try and get a hold of one. Please dont google,it will never help, and never ever underestimate the power of the mind,listen to the good advice given here by people who also suffer with chest problems,take care

    I just want my life back

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    marcia you r not alone. i have suffered a fear of having a heart attack for over 4 years. the terrible thing is if you didnt have the pain you wouldnt have the fear and if you didnt have the fear chances are the pain would subside. its a matter of accepting the pain and trying to live with it as calmly as possible. i am trying to do this its easier said than done but i have just went on line tonight for the first time and feel not so alone

  9. #9

    Re: chest tightness

    hi ...

    i am new to this forum ... i am also suffering from panic attack ... had a real bad one 2 weeks ago ... was at the accident and emergency department. all test done was cleared ... ecg, x-ray and blood test ... doctor say not heart attack ... nothing structurally wrong with my heart ..

    now i am starting to be scared of the symptoms .. haha ..

    so painful ... and so crippling ..

    but seems like the only way out of this is accept it ... know it will not kill u ... and get on with life ..

    easier said than done ...

    but lets encourage one another on ...



  10. #10

    Exclamation Re: chest tightness

    I'm not sure where to post because I'm new to this but hopefully someone can help me. I'm 23 and have suffered from panic attacks from the age of 12 when my Father died. He too suffered from panic attacks. To cut a long story short, I've been put on Citalopram for depression and apparently it helps with anxiety and Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride for anxiety (Atarax) They are not helping at all. Because of a recent stint in hospital due to Pancreatitis, caused by gallstones and a recent operation to remove my gallbladder, It meant I was having morphine IV and liquid oramorph and my body became dependant and now I'm having to have drug counselling and soon to be weaned off. So my GP won't prescribe anything that can become addictive and most of the good anti-anxiety meds can become addictive :( I've been referred to my psychiatrist and my GP said she may be able to help with meds. I'm going out of my mind here.

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