I have learned that through the stages of agoraphobia, that all the things i avoided because i was too scared of you, you won, as i stopped doing them. ie: trains, buses, shops, etc.

All the ones i ignored you and fought for, i overcame, ie: still going to work, still going out, the pub, the theatre etc.

Today i went to a supermarket on my own, stood in a long queue and decided that if you want to rear your ugly head, then bring it on as i'm not moving out the queue...............i think i scared you off, as you never came.

So tomorrow, i have to go to Wales, i can do this journey in the car with my partner driving, i couldn't do this two years ago, but its something else i won you over on, however!!! tomorrow i have decided that i will do the journey by train, its a long time since i have been on a train...........but i've decided, its my life and i'm just gonna steal it right back.

So bring it on agora!! come do your worst

I'm getting on that train, whether you like it or not.!!

ps. sorry guys! just putting my agora in its place